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Cathy (Johnsonburg, NJ) on 01/01/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I dealt with cold sore on my mouth (lips) for many years. Then I read somewhere to stay away from nuts and citrus to keep the herpes virus under control, which I have done for the past few years. I almost never ever get them anymore. Once in a great while I may eat a few nuts or citrus & if I overdo it (which I almost never do) I may get a very small sore on my lip. But, I usually don't mess with the nuts & citrus and as long as I don't, the cold sores stay under control. For me, keeping away from these two items seems to work really great. Cathy

Replied By Glenn (Perth, Australia) on 02/13/2009

I suffered frequently from cold sores most of my life. The embarrassment of a large outbreak on the lips is enough to want to hide away at home until the sore dimishes to just a small scab. But that's not possible when you need to work. It's even worse if, like in my job you need to interface with the public a lot.

A few years back I changed my diet by excluding or seriously restricting all wheat flour products because I was getting overweight and could hardly tie my shoe laces without needing to come up for air to finish the knot. It was hard to start with because these foods are so tasty and addictive. But as a result of the diet change I not only lost 15 kilograms but also found that I no longer suffered from cold sores or head colds either.

On the very rare occasion that I do get a cold sore now I can immediately trace it to a binge on bread, pizza, pasta or rice the previous day, and the lesion is tiny in comparison with the past. To control it I abstain from the flour products and rice and try not to lick my lips, and it goes away within days. Nuts, chocolate and citrus fruits are not a factor in my case nor are diet drinks because I don't really go for them much.

I wonder if genital herpes would respond to the same dietry restrictions.