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Naomi (Nc) on 12/22/2023

I have had a grapefruit-sized seroma in my belly right beside my belly button for several years. It has been drained once, but doctor doesn't want to do that again, nor does he want to remove it, fearing to cause more issues that it resolves. This thing sticks out like a point, causes my clothing to not fit properly, and things with a waist band, like skirts and pants, cause discomfort and pain. Also, I think it's still growing. I'm thinking there has to be some way to treat this awful thing.

Wondering if castor oil and/or DMSO would be an option. My search on this site turned up nothing, so apparently this is not a common issue. Can anyone help?


Replied By Art (California) on 12/22/2023

Hi Naomi,

Have you tried applying Povidone iodine(the type typically available at drug stores) as it has shown the ability to penetrate skin. Here are typical products on Amazon for comparison :,aps,132&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_8

If there is inflammation and possibly pain in the area surrounding the seroma, you might try melatonin lotions as I discussed here :

Good luck and keep us posted!
