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Valerie (Minneapolis, MN) on 12/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Last week my 50 pound, 8 year old pit bull was peeing blood (!) and unable to control his bladder in the house, especially when he was sleeping (he would pee in his bed). He was going outside about every 5 minutes to try to go to the bathroom. I came on this website and found the apple cider vinegar remedy and tried it, 1.5 T. in plain yogurt 2x daily. I used organic ACV with the mother. I also had some homeopathic kidney drops and muscle tested the dog to find that he needed that too. Within 2 days his urine was clear and he only had one accident in the house (at night). After 3 days we left him for 7 hours and came home to a dry dog and house!! Since then there have been no more accidents, no more blood, he hasn't needed any more of the kidney homeopathic, and we have a happy dog!! I have been continuing to muscle test him and find that he still needs the ACV and will continue to give him that with the yogurt forever if he needs it. I don't know what was wrong with him exactly, but I am SO GLAD to have circumvented the vet!!
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Replied By Diane (Hazleton, Pennsylvania) on 12/26/2008

I am 110% convinced that the ACV treatment works! Highly recommend to everyone who has dogs with bladder infections. However - I used the regular Heinz brand rather than organic since the organic seemed too strong for my 16 year old dog. I am curious to the muscle testing? What is it and how is it done?
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Replied By Amber (Tipton, Michigan) on 12/27/2008

Dear Valerie from Minneapolis,

I had a male chocolate lab that had the same problem. I thought it was a botched fixing, but it wasn't. He would leak urine on occasion that was bloody and I took him to the vet, but he found nothing. I finally saw a new vet and x-rays revealed a tumor. It was too big and we lost him. Please consider seeing a vet and make sure all is clear before relying on it just being a bladder infection. I am all for homeopathy, but make sure it isn't something else!!!