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CheeMiss (Toronto, ON) on 12/26/2008


I have genetic chronic insomnia. My max sleep time is 2 hrs. On rare occasion 4 hrs. I have tried pretty much everything on this site. Nothing seems to work for a long deep sleep. BTW: even the strongest sleeping pills don't keep me down past 4 hrs and leave me very groggy, so I avoid them.

I have been searching the net and came across GABA & a product called Great Nights Sleep 2.Has anyone had any experience with either of these products? Please advise. I'm so burnt out and desperate and I don't want to spend any more monies on things that don't work. Thank You.

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Replied By Jake (Chicago, IL) on 12/27/2008

blackstrap molasses, aloe vera, coconut oil, melatonin and DHEA supplements have all helped me. I suffer from a similar problem and only recently have been having more than 2 hour stretches of sleep on a regular basis.

My DHEA levels are normally well below the reference range and supplementation brings them up. You might check your level.

Most important perhaps is the coconut oil. When I went up from 2 Tablespoons to 4 to 6 Tablspoons - 2 or 3 after dinner time before bed, I noted a definite improvement. You need to find your own levels her and especially for the melatonin - I currently take a quarter of a 3 mg. lozenge under the tongue type - each time I wake up to go to the bathroom.



Replied By CheeMiss (Toronto, ON) on 12/28/2008

Hi Jake,

Thank you for your help. I have been taking or tried all that you mentioned to no avail except for the DHEA supplement. I will ask my doctor to check my levels as you suggested. Our gene pool insomnia is tough on all of us, as nothing much works. I wonder why doctors just dismiss this without checking our blood for imbalances. All they seem to want to do is push the pharmaceuticals.


Replied By Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 12/28/2008

I have used Gaba for years for insomnia with great results. I used the Now brand in powder formed with a 5 mg of B6. The key is to take right before you go to bed on an empty stomach. It needs to get to the brain receptors to make neuro-transmitters. I used anywhere from 2,000 - 5,000 mg, depending on how I was feeling. Anything over 5,000 mg did not do any good. Beware that you may get rapid breathing, heart rate, or shortness of breathe for a minute. This because the Gaba relaxes the blood vessels and blood is moving faster; I did. It seem to be the more intense I felt the more I would experience these symptoms. I did research on Gaba a lot before I used these higher amounts. The lower amounts of Gaba had no effect on me, but they may you. Don't take my word for it you can research it too. I hope this helps.
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Replied By Mary (Regina, Canada) on 12/28/2008

Hi CheeMiss: Regarding your insomnina, have you ever considered thyroid insufficiency? Hypothyroidism runs in families and is often not detected by blood tests.Insomnia is a huge symptom of hypothyroidism. I have had this problem and as my blood tests were low normal I got No help from my md. go to Doctor Wilson has devised a wonderful protocol for treating hypothyroidism that works!

Also I sleep alot longer each night now. Good luck, Mary


Replied By Cal (Calgary, AB Canada) on 05/19/2009

Sea salts worked for me. The one without any additives etc, just wind and sun-dried. You can get at health stores. I used to always wake up around 2 am and couldn't fall asleep again. Also could only sleep on my left side but since I started taking sea salts things changed immediately. I just add a little to my drinking water, enough to taste it without it being salty and I can sleep on any side and even if I wake up I fall asleep again.