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Concerned (Georgia) on 03/06/2023

My Blue (Dog) just had a Stroke we believe yesterday. He falls when he gets up. He actually did this before so I believe he was having mini-strokes before. I knew his hips in the rear end have arthritis. He won't eat or drink nothing now. I have given him herbs and health food his whole life of 13 years. I will try other herbs on his tongue.
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Replied By DL (NC) on 03/06/2023

So sorry. Look into the DMSO remedy for strokes. You can part the fur on his neck and also apply it to clean paw pads to get it in his system if he's not eating or drinking. Cayenne might be another helpful remedy for strokes but that will be tricky if you can't get it in food. Be very careful if your dog is having problems swallowing.

Here is one review on Earth Clinic for DMSO. The dosage is for people, so you'd have to adjust down for your dog.

Posted by Jeroen van P. (Amsterdam) on 02/10/2021
5 out of 5 stars

For Strokes: DMSO - one tablespoon in 30cc water every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then one every hour for 2 days. Will fix circulation extremely fast.

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Replied By Concerned (Georgia) on 03/07/2023

Thank you for Blue. He ate a little Basmatti White Rice yesterday night. No food this morning but I did forcibly put a drop of Arnica on his tongue this morning. My wife said yesterday Blue drank a whole bowl of water and walked slowly. He still reacts when cats are around him. He still barks when someone is at the door. I will try the DMSO. His balance is still no good because he can't shake his body without falling on the hardwood floor. I was giving him Coenzyme vitamins everyday. Thanks John