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Chris (Milton, Florida) on 08/30/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Started treatment for our cat yesterday and put about 1/2 tsp of DE on his wet food twice. This morning I could not see ONE tapeworm raising its ugly head!! Will keep it up 3x/day for at least another week and then report back.
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Replied By Sofia (Wilmington, DE) on 09/01/2022

Be sure to hydrate the cat well….massive constipation if not careful. I would take 1/2 tsp once a day for a cat under 15 lbs. good luck! It works!
REPLY   3      

Replied By Chris (Milton, Fl) on 09/30/2022

Thank you! That is very good advice I have not at all considered. My cats always have fresh water in- and outdoors.

After now giving Blu 1/2 tsp DE in wet food mixed in with water for 3 weeks twice a day the tapeworms are gone.