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Coralie Mitchell (Australia ) on 01/12/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I have terrible migraines regularly for years. Nothing has worked. Today I remembered a doc using the paper bag approach on a movie. I tried it and this migraine disappeared pretty much instantly. Pain rummaged a bit behind my ears, did the bag again for 5 breaths and it's gone. This is a game changer for me!! I'm here to find out what it actually did :)
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Replied By Brenna (SC) on 02/02/2023

If you don't have a bag handy, you can also cup your hands and place over your nose and or mouth and breathe. Make sure your hands are “sealed” and not letting too much air in. Saw that on the movie “Patch Adams” with Robin Williams lol

Also, some cloths or clothing are good in a pinch. I know when I was little, I would instinctively put my shirt neck up over my nose and breathe that way whenever I had a migraine coming on