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Alicia (Birmingham, United Kingdom) on 12/02/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Chest infection/ Strep throat

I came across this site when searching for cayenne pepper uses as I knew there was something pretty special about it. I have a chest infection, which when combined with asthma is pretty horrific. I haven't been able to breathe and my throat has been so sore. I tried cayenne pepper in orange juice, in the first cup i used only a few sprinkles, in the second 15 minutes later i poured loads in. The burn didn't really effect me. Immediately I feel a little more alive, and my nose is less clogged. I think this will really work if I take it every day. Miracle cure!

1 teaspoon in total in 400ml of orange juice.

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Replied By Suzy (Conroe, Tx Usa) on 07/19/2010

Yes Cayenne Pepper is effective! You will find that most reviews here say that they received a 50% cure within the first day. The point here is that you have to continue the use of it (just as you must continue a full pack of antibiotics because they keep working up to 10 days after you take your last one). A couple people here said it did not work for them, but I wonder how often and how long they used it for it not to work? I read every review here before I tried it yesterday(07/18/10). I woke up Saturday morning with a severe sore throat that felt swollen and raw, stiff and painful neck, chills, body aches, and occasional minor headache. I googled sore throat and then realized that I had strep throat, first time in my life and I am 30yrs of age. My clinic is closed on weekdays so I needed something to get me through the weekend since many over the counter drugs/meds were NOT doing anything for me and the pain! Only thing that did help a little was sore throat spray. You will find you have several options with the cayenne pepper. You can gargle it with warm water; use about a 1/2 tsp cayenne with half or full cup of warm water. I prefer using less water because then you won't have to gargle as much, but you are still getting the same dose of cayenne. Someone else spoke of eating 1/8 tsp of cayenne, allowing it to rest in their throat for minutes until they chased it down with milk. That is probably one of the more effective ways offered as it is direct contact. Another idea I learned was mixing it in with a warm drink. You can either heat natural lemonade or water, and add honey, lemon of course, and a dash of cayenne pepper. Microwave it and slowly sip. The lemon mixed with cayenne and heated up has a kick to it, so prepare yourself! But it taste sweet and is tolerable. I find it better than liquid meds. Last you can just add it with whatever food you'd like! I put some of that chili in a can (vegetarian actually) on a piece of bread and sprinkled some cayenne on top and ate that last night. I basically took a little of everyone's advice and applied it. I am on day two and I have noticed a significant positive change! The pain has subsided by about 75%. I have no doubt that if I continue on with this pattern I will be cured within 1-2 more days. Regardless if I do feel better by tomorrow (day 3 of cayenne use) I will continue through the day with it just to be sure it is gone!

This is what I did on day one and plan to continue each day for 3 days total:
Gargle with 1/2 tsp cayenne in 3/4 cup warm water until it's gone. After each gargle, it wouldn't hurt to swallow a bit of each gargle to be sure it gets in your throat. Right after that I warmed 1 cup of water in microwave with about 1 tbsp of honey, squeezed a couple slices of lemon in water, and sprinkled some cayenne with it. Then I took some medicine, and since we cannot discuss brand names I cannot say exactly what I used. But it is the stuff that you can buy over the counter in the medicine aisle, used specifically for the ". . . . . Flu" or for "severe cold & cough. " It comes in packets (powder form which you dissolve in water). I bought the double pack, which had 6 packets of daytime and 6 for night time. The daytime is "berry infused w/ menthol & green tea. " The night time packets contain "honey lemon infused w/ chamomile & white tea flavors. " Regardless, they still taste like medicine. So if I was you I would not mix it with a full cup of water like the directions say, but rather make it a shot! Next I took 5ml of colloidal silver, a mineral and NATURAL OVER the COUNTER ANTIBIOTIC! It cost me $10. There are several brands out there of colloidal silver. I personally shop at specific vitamin stores to get supplements that I can trust. Next I ate 2 oranges because this source of natural vitamin C is the absolute best! I know this from personal experience when I was cured of illness when I had no access to supplements or vitamins, but only access to food. (Basic Training). Last I ate chili on piece of bread with sprinkle of cayenne on top. I have no doubt that the combination of these things worked together to heal my body. But I know that the cayenne does work because of the fact that I did feel better soon after I gargled and consumed it which was before I had taken anything else. I will follow all these steps today and tomorrow. I doubt I will need to go to the doctor now! I will follow up in 2 days. . .