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James Lee (Malaysia) on 10/01/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Apricot seeds have to be raw and bitter. Does not work for everybody.
REPLY   32      

Replied By Philip (New York) on 11/02/2021

James Lee,

If you don't mind me asking, what stage was your bladder cancer? I have stage 1. Did you build up to the amount you're taking gradually? Thanks


Replied By Betty (CA) on 11/02/2021

Read this 2020 study. Maybe there are new leads on this.

Study finds salt nanoparticles are toxic to cancer cells (

Replied By Natalie (Lake District ) on 12/31/2021

I'm wondering how you take the seeds? Do you blend and add to fruit smoothies or food? Cut in half and swallow
What's the best brand and where do I get them from? X
REPLY   1      

Replied By Betty (CA) on 01/01/2022

I would think you would grind them up.

I have heard of people taking capsule form (expensive to buy).

Replied By Roxanne (Michigan) on 01/16/2022

I just throw them in my mouth and chew them up. Then drink lots of water, because they don't taste that great!

Replied By Brad (Ontario) on 08/13/2022

I read somewhere you should not grind them up.

Replied By Brian K (Illinois) on 03/13/2024

To save on buying a capsulized version, just grind a few handfuls of the apricot kernels/seeds at a time and put in a sealed sandwich bag to maintain freshness. Each day, put a teaspoon of the grounds from the bag into the back of the mouth and swallow with glass or water or other drink to help in avoiding the bitter taste.