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Teena (Victoria) on 09/24/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Grover's disease is caused by build up of heavy metals, cilantro works because it chelates these out of the body.
REPLY   6      

Replied By william ( Raton N M) on 03/14/2022

I took the Pfizer vaccine in Feb. of 22 and have had itching spots on my chest and back. Where did you get info on heavy metals? Bill

Replied By Tony S. (Texas) on 06/05/2022

Interesting. I've not heard of anyone developing Grovers from the Pfizer vax. I've taken all 4 of them and it didn't affect my GD at all. Didn't help, nor hurt. I do however have High Iron in my blood. My Dr. detected that a few years ago. So, my guess is that's what's brought my case of GD on. I'm praying that the Cilantro remedy works.. even if it just lowers it to something very manageable and LESS noticeable. Kinda ruins your swim suit look..

Replied By Joanne (WA) on 08/16/2022

To my knowledge I had never had Grover's. However, it appeared to come on after I had the Pfizer vax for Covid. Not sure if this was just coincidental(?) Right now it is worse than ever. I'm going to try my L-Lysine as it clears my canker sores quickly when they get started. Also, using benadryl spray to try to stop some of the itching. I already am using most of the Rx's mentioned by other posters. Just keep rotating products hoping for the best. ;-) Guess I'll try the cilantro too... what have I got to loose.

Joanne P.

Replied By Art (California) on 08/16/2022


A simple, noninvasive approach to consider is Witch Hazel (WH) applied topically. The inexpensive type with 14% alcohol in it. It is also likely to have synergy with other treatments for Grover's Disease and can be combined with certain other topicals.

WH contains tannins which can have anti inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Wipe the affected areas gently with a soft cotton cloth wet with WH. WH can help remove excess oil and dirt also.

Here is a link to a typical product :

Good luck, and please report your results with WH.
