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Elaine (Australia) on 04/27/2021

Regarding MMS drops

Having a hard time trying to get this simple water purification product but Evil Australian govt deems it dangerous when they are all for the genocide vaccine that is far more dangerous and lethal. Can anyone advise how to get this in Australia, please?


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Replied By Mark (Virginia ) on 09/26/2021

Search for CDS instead of MMS. You may find more sources.
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Replied By Debra (Sydney, Australia) on 06/19/2022


I am in Australia and bought some on Ebay a couple years ago called Oxy-MMS by Naclo. I used it for a few months and then took a break but I used it on the dog next door who I think had an Esophageal tumor because she was choking and gagging daily. I gave her snacks with the MMS mixed in and it stopped all her gagging.

The neighbors moved so I don't know what happened after that.

I'm using it again now for severe sinus and kidney infection that I think may even be cancer.