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Diana (California) on 11/08/2019
5 out of 5 stars

Buy NON-CHLORINE TOILET PAPER. and LS will slowly disappear. Hurray! I buy mine at Whole Foods. W.F. makes their own but I buy Seventh Generation. The recycled chlorine free is pricey at a dollar a roll but worth it. Yes, recycled toilet paper sounds dreadful but apparently we can save forests of trees with it and THAT'S worth it. Your new year will truly be a happy one.
REPLY   1      

Replied By Dee (CA) on 12/08/2019

Get your non-chlorine TP at Trader Joe's, a wee bit cheaper

Replied By Aloha Granny (Wailuku, Hawaii) on 06/10/2020

Instead of any toilet paper, use toilet seat bidet— Brondell Swash SE600 Bidet Toilet Seat is a good one. There are many types out there. Using a toilet seat bidet is the only Way to go. You will always be totally clean. Will pay for itself and save a lot of trees.