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John Goldwine (Burbank, California) on 11/15/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I had really bad ringworm on my fore arms and upper arms. I tried coconut oil, It seemed to help but didn't cure it. I then tried the crap from the pharmacy, it didn't do much either, even after a couple weeks. I decided to try ACV since it cures just about everything else. Amazing, it was gone in a couple of days. One word of caution though, I did get a little carried away on my upper arm and it left a pretty bad scar. No more ringworm, and I'm happy about that. ACV is incredible!

Replied By T3 (Chicago, IL) on 02/15/2009

It's been a long time since I've been back to this site. I have been doing this cider, it is not working. I am freaking out.

Replied By Ale (Ponce, PR) on 04/30/2009

I have a cat and I have ringworm before and I have this thing on my chest and back and shoulders almost like ringworm and I also go to the doctor and at first she thinks was ringworm too and give me a cream but it does not give away, so to make the story short it was pityriasis rosea, is a condition on the skin that is in appearance like ringworm but doctors do not know exactly whaat is and they think is a virus because it give away alone but may last months and then disappears and not came back again, my last like three months. It does not have treatment.