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Ron (Tavernier, Fl) on 11/13/2008

I wish i could say i was like others on this board. occasional problems. i have atrial fib all day every day. i take coumiden so i don't get a stroke.i also take metroprolo to control the beat somewhat.

i am a person that has suffered with high stress for most of my life including my childhood and have a tendency to take things personaly further adding to the stress load. i have on occasion snapped and went berserk on more than one occasion. i suppose that really made my adrenals weak.

i have tried apple cider vinegar, liver flush, fasting, hawthorn berry syrup, green tea, baking soda for acidity reduction, calcium and magnesium, trace minerals, carrot juice, beet juice, celery juice. hemp hearts,omega three. the only thing i have not really got into is adrenal therapy and thirty day juice fasting. if i don't find the source of the problem i will just have to wait for this to kill me. its been this way for 2 years now and i am ready to cure myself because the mds haven't got a clue.


Replied By Bluebell (Acton, MA) on 11/14/2008

I have arrythmia and atrial fib. I have been to many docs and have tried lots of meds. Nothing stops it when it happens. I have gone off all meds each time after trying them out. What keeps me feeling best is eating raw fruits and vegies for breakfast and lunch, staying away from wheat and dairy and eating a healthy dinner of vegies and meat or fish. I find this keeps my system moving regularly and limits episodes of arrythmia. I don't use the meds and here is another helpful tip. When I feel like an episode is upon me, I try to escape and meditate in a quiet place.

Also, bending over and allowing blood and pressure to fill the chest and head area is helpful when it feels bad. I also bring my attention to my breathing and it becomes more of a normal way of being if you are bringing your attention to your breathing on a regular basis. At those times of obvious arrythmia, I notice my breathing is shallow to non existent, practically, and bringing the oxygen back in with deep, rhythmic breathing is very helpful. Mostly, EAT RIGHT (RAW fruits and vegies and seeds)!!! BREATHE WELL!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

11/14/2008: Bluebell from Acton, MA writes in again, "also, try vit b and b12 and try magnesium supplements. They may help you with your reaction and calm you a bit. You mentioned juicing. That would be my recommendation. I have done that and have felt great. I do that with smoothies in a vita mix blender and use fresh leafy greens and fruit daily for morning meal. NO BREADS or cooked food for whole day til my early dinner which as I said, is mostly vegies, meat, fish and a non wheat, non cheese starch. It really makes a difference and i have lots of energy. I am discovering that i really must have an allergy to the dairy and wheat because i feel better when i am off of both. I suspected the flour caused arrythmia for many years, now, but it isn't just the white flour, but I think the wheat altogether. good luck!


Replied By Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/16/2008

Hi Ron,

Have you done an on-line search of excitotoxins? If not please do so instead of waiting for your arrhythmias to kill you. The arrhythmias and your going berserk at times can be unwanted side effects of monosodium glutamate and aspartame - two major excitotoxins our processed foods are laden with. Your going berserk sounds mighty like the mood swings from the excitotoxins!

While reading on monosodium glutamate (MSG) be sure and make a list of all the names they hide MSG under in the ingredients lists and go into your kitchen and read ingredients in everything you eat, drink, or use in cooking, including your raw meats. Be wary of anything that just says "spices" without naming those spices and anything that says "naural flavors" or "natural flavoring" and anything that contains broth. Become aware of your actual excitotoxin intake before you develop Alzheimer's disease or one of the others they cause and don't return from "going berserk".

If you eat out often, be aware that anything made with a marianade, ketchup, sauce or gravy is going to be heavily laden with MSG and and so will most of the salad dressings. Any diet food or drink is most likely loaded with aspartame or Nutra-sweet.

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Replied By John (Evergreen, Colorado) on 12/28/2008

This is for Ron in Florida, I have also suffered from heart fibs, I had a heart attack and bypass(quadruple), I also have a defibrilator, which I have let the battery die and have not had it replaced thanks partially to Ted and this web site. The one thing that has helped me alot is a chiropractor, my palpitations have lessened emensely, I feel alot better and more alive! try one I believe it will help you. But you need to find a holistic chiropractor, not the twist and crack kind but the stretch and monuver, ita alot better.

Replied By Debbie (Amity, OR) on 01/03/2009

Magnesium citrate works great for Heart arrhythmia. This was prescribed to me by my doctor and is a miracle cure. Take 250 mg in the morning and the same in the evening.
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Replied By Ron (Miami, FL) on 12/29/2008

I am a 63 year old man and all my life I have been stressed to the point of exploding . I have always had a seething burning anger and have always had a low opinion of the human race. This began when I was 8 years old and continues to this day. Anger, hate, and bitterness have been my constant companions my entire life, now it has poisoned my body. For many years I have been told my hands were ice cold and my temps indicated I had weak adrenals but until now I never realized how it could affect my health. This has been brought to my attention my a constant atril fibulation problem that I think was created by my adrenal fatigue. I am starting a program of licorice vitamins and minerals as well as adrenal extract.I look forward to adrenal solutions and atril fib connections on this board. I have no other choice than to get my mind purified and put all the negative thoughts out of my mind that have poisoned me for years.
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Replied By RON (TAVERNIER, FL) on 01/03/2009

I have been on here before commenting about having a constant a fib problem and that i have tried just about everything and was going to concentrate on the adrenals. i read that those that have adrenal exhaustion are advised to up the sodium intake and my mineral analysis also indicated i was low in sodium. i have always been a huge avoider of salt, no canned food only fresh veggies never salted ever. i avoided salt like it was poision and then i read about natural sea salt and all the minerals that were in it and read about how salt not table salt but good quality natural salt affects heartbeat and started trying some sea salt and it really seems to be helping much to my surprise. could this be the magic key? the fact i have avoided salt and went out of my way not to ingest any salt at any time may have caused my a fib. could it be so simple? any one that has tried this or checked it out please advice about the experience because this is the first thing that really seems to fit the puzzle. sea salt has an anti arrythmic effect and i am as shocked and surprised as i can get.
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Replied By Ron (Tavernier, Fl) on 01/06/2009

Add to the list the beneficial effects of sea salt for artial fibulation and the nerve impulses that control heartbeat.It seems to have helped me big time. Also the positive effect it has on renewing the adrenals and alkalizing the cells.

Replied By Logan (Robbinsdale, Mn) on 10/24/2009

Hi Ron, It's been almost 10 months since you last checked in, I have a similar problem as you, last winter I finally got off my butt and started working out again, motivated in part because I started having these weird feelings every once in awhile, usually after eating high in sugar (donuts, or even home made fruit smoothies), I figured I might be on the verge of a diabetic issue. So I started to watch my diet and working out. I've pretty much been a water only drinker for the past decade. I was doing okay, lost 20-25 lbs. after the first couple months, then bam!, the weird feeling started happening, almost every day. I wondered if I was over-training? So I backed off a little, then softball season started I gradually stopped working out all together for the summer, saving my energy for practice and the games. I even had my roommate bring me to the ER once, only to have them say my heart was fine, that I must have GERD. I was a bit suspicious, I know what heartburn is, this wasn't it, but I started eating tums like candy. I started to dig around online (obviously still am ;oP) to try and figure out what's going on. In the process I learned the weird feeling was arrhythmia. It still seems to me to be diet related. Eliminating sugars didn't seem to be the answer, actually eating a few spoonfuls of peanut butter and honey seemed to calm the heart down. I also found eating some fatty beef helped too. (Maybe it is a stress issue and comfort foods help?) And the subject of allergies causing them got me thinking. Soy, Wheat, Dairy, Eggs? Now soy is suppose to be heart healthy (which apparently may not be supported by facts) so in addition to buying a bunch of expensive vitamins I bought a bag of edamame (soybean in pods) and although tasty, I noticed after eating those I had a bad flareup, maybe I'm allergic to soy? So I research that possibility and there might be something to that. Trouble is, you pretty much have to make ALL your food at home from scratch, because when you start looking at labels you'll realize how much soy has invaded processed foods, it is in everything, breads, pizzas, donuts, cookies, chocolate, peanut butter, fried chicken, even some seasonings have it. I've even seen it in cheese. And to think I was using soy milk on cereal as I seemed to develop a lactose issue (but not with cheese, go figure). So going on the notion that it might be a allergic reaction in my stomach, causing internal swelling and pressing on my vagus nerve, which I read could cause irregular heartbeats, I started taking Benedryl, mainly during the evening along with a couple baby aspirin and a magnesium pill, and it seems to at least help me get to sleep. I think I did read something about salt at one point, but it didn't really stick. Like you I've been avoiding adding salt to my food, if I eat too much salty chips or popcorn I actually feel nauseous. So I'm curious, it's been almost 10 months, how has the salt treatment been working, is it working? How much are you taking? Please check back in and give us an update? As it is, I will stop by a store tomorrow and pick some up and start adding a little to my meals. I will check back in with an update if it works for me too. Thanks, -Logan. It's 3:40 am here and my heart rate has gotten down to 70/min. (my resting was 50 before this all flared up) so off to bed.

Replied By Logan (Robbinsdale, Mn) on 01/19/2010

It has been 3 months since my last update. I have been adding extra sea salt (about 1/8th tsp) to my morning oatmeal and using it with every meal, also been taking about 1/8 tsp with my vitamins in the morning, before my workouts and in evening before bed with my diphenhydramine HCI 25-50mg(generic benedryl) and aspirin. I tried the molasses but have stopped using it to see if the salt worked on its own and it does seem to be doing the job. Still having occasional flare-ups, usually after eating out, so I am still thinking soy may be a causal agent, either an allergic reaction or perhaps it binds to sodium and makes it unavailable causing a deficiency? So, not a complete cure, but seems like low sodium (I actually created a spread sheet using data from the USDA website to see how much sodium my healthy diet was giving me and discovered I was only getting about 600-700 mg a day, which is less than half the RDA) is definitely a major factor in my condition. I have always had lower than normal blood pressure, and do not know how much Stephen from Mansfield was taking a day to cause his negative reaction, he did not mention how many bottles of water he was drinking. If he drinks anywhere as much as I do (about a gallon/day) he was definitely over-doing it. I am taking between 1/2-1 tsp a day, which is placing me right in the middle of the RDA range. I am 45 and controlling the arrhythmia enough to get to the gym to workout daily, and my resting heart rate is now currently 52 bpm.
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Replied By Len (Kaslo, B.c., Canada) on 07/19/2012

I took B-100's for many years as I believe they are the ONLY heart attack and stroke preventer (other than exercise, of course ). Now I have temporarily quit the B-vitamins and my arrhytmia problems have greatly reduced. I will have a blood test soon and hopefully go back on the B's, but in moderation.

Replied By Pat (Pa) on 05/26/2016

So sorry, Ron! I also have afib and am trying everything. I do get good results from some of them. Not everything though. Hang in there! Something will work soon!