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Dana (Houston, TX) on 11/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Someone said they had a stubborn wart...use DMSO..put it on every day and it WILL leave you! It might take a couple of weeks...also good for herpes cold sores and the best anti-inflammatory available today.
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Replied By Michelle (Illinois) on 07/28/2021

How do you apply to wart? Do you have to dilute?
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Replied By Alex (Thessaloniki) on 03/02/2022

I've tried DMSO for two months on my warts and absolutely nothing happened. I did't put a soaked cotton on the wart for hours, but only applied DMSO without leaving it.
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Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 03/02/2022

Ted may have some clues to help you. Here are some of his insights:

Ted's Remedies, Wart Remedies (

Replied By Rhonda (TX) on 03/04/2022

You can buy it at Swanson's