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Sol (Boca Raton, Fl.) on 03/02/2019
1 out of 5 stars

I have been on a cilantro smoothie diet for three weeks and have seen almost no difference in this horrible disease. True some of the itching has been reduced but nothing else. l intend staying on it for one more week.

Replied By Martha (South Florida ) on 07/29/2019

I live in south Florida as well. Tried cilantro capsules (6 per day) and it did NOTHING...along with gagging over the large capsules, I would burp all day a horrible taste of the herb. Nothing is working and I am entering my 9th month of GD....such an insidious disease. Go to bed itching and wake up itching.

Replied By Charity (Faithville, us) on 07/30/2019

I just bought some cilantro with chlorella liquid and it's suposed to help the detox be less painful. I use lugol's iodine and eat brazil nut for selenium and take minerals in balance and stay hydrated. Mineral imbalance can cause dehydration. It can take 6 months to rehydrate a body. Dehydration causes itching and hives. Grovers is supposed to be from plugged lymph system so the cilantro with chlorella would take some time to clear that up. I don't have grovers, but use cilantro to detox from metal fillings.

Replied By Kim (United States) on 08/30/2019

From experience, the liquid and caps do not work nearly as well as the fresh. Please give it another try with at least a cup or two in a smoothie each day.

Replied By Nancy D. (Texas) on 09/26/2019

I hear you Martha! My itching is worse by the day! I've tried all kinds of topicals and anti-itch medicine and oral, Itch meds, over the counter and prescription! I haven't tried the slots open I'm going to! Mine is in combination with hives. The hives come and go at but the groves stays! All I can do is pray! “by his wounds, we are healed." And ask Him how I am to deal with this disease.. Will be praying for you as well!! Blessings ..