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Mike (Washington State) on 02/11/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to add my support for cilantro. My terribly itchy Grovers only subsides when I'm eating ~1/2 bunch of cilantro per day. When I go on vacation and can't get it, the itching and bumps come back. When I get home, I eat cilantro regularly again, and it gets better. How can we spread the word to the medical community? It is frustrating that none of our dermatologists are knowledgeable about, and supportive of, the cilantro cure.
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Replied By Nadine (Honolulu) on 10/09/2019

I've used an organically grown cilantro pesto (bunch of cilantro, walnut, or olive oil, small amount ginger made in a blender or processor) for mercury detox. I took a tablespoon every morning with breakfast and then after a few days added a tablespoon at night with dinner. The pesto can be taken during travel in a plastic container for soft foods for babies (seen at Whole Foods, or Nordstrom rack). It will stay fresh as long as it is chilled. I use freezer packs in an insulated bag with newspaper covering the packs and the containers on all sides so packs stay frozen. **Suggest that research be done on how to safely detox with cilantro**. My "spots" didn't itch, but were incredibly irritating. None of the pharmacy topical prescriptions helped. Apple cider vinegar in a 50/50 solution following when dry with 15% zinc cream for baby diaper rash did help. Also, only can wear loose cotton clothing and need to keep cool (ice packs helped when breakout was at its worst).