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Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 01/27/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 58 year old male that has had Grovers for approximately 11 months. Like others my primary doctor had never heard of this hideous disease, so I went to a dermatologist who did a biopsy. She actually knew when I first took my shirt off just by looking at it. I took many steroid creams and pills the first couple of months to no avail. I decided after nothing worked to stop taking anything bur benadryl and hot showers. I didn't want to poison my body any longer. I know hot showers are not good for the skin either, so limited the water to very warm. I am now trying the cilantro + chlorella. I am 6 days in and have to say the rash on my chest is about 40% gone. The itch however has not receded at all. I will report back unlike some others my progress as time goes on. I hope this is a cure as my life has been negatively altered. I hope everyone else that has this the best of luck.
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Replied By Kim (Florida) on 01/28/2019

Jeff, Thanks for the post. I was diagnosed about 3 months ago and it has been HORRIBLE! It was covering about 80% of my body and the itch was unbearable. So far only oral steroids have helped but I don't want to poison my body any more. I have weaned off of the steroids and my last pill was today but I feel the rash and itch slowly coming back. I just started the cilantro two days ago. I am hoping that it will help. I too will let people know if it works or not. I am keeping a positive attitude and hoping for the best.
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Replied By Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 01/30/2019

9 days and my skin is still improving. I continue to drink Chlorella with a glass of orange juice followed by a smoothie with 1 bunch of Cilantro every morning. The itch has receded about 90%. It still bothers me during the night, but is definitely better then before. Thew rash is about 60% gone. I have added 5,000 IU vitamin d for the last 3 days. It definitely makes me feel sick, but I am not going to stop. I no longer take hot showers as it dries my skin too much. Something strange is happening though. I got about 20 small black very painful skin tags on my lower neck/upper shoulders. They only lasted 2 or 3 days and fell off while showering. I have also lost several skin tags that have been on my neck for years. Maybe that's where the heavy metals are going? Not sure but will report back in a couple of days with an update. There is hope.

Replied By Ava (North Florida) on 02/01/2019

I too have been suffering from this gd monster for 4 of the most miserable months of my life. This is my 2nd day of cilantro smoothies so I will keep everyone posted on my progress. This may be a dumb question but should I take off the stems? I've cut off the thicker ones.

Replied By Dorian (Hartford ct) on 12/18/2019

Keep stems on.

Replied By Jeff (Ventura CA) on 02/01/2019

Ava, I use the stems and all. I am still seeing it recede at this time. The itching went to a burning feeling especially on my back. It seemed to get worse at first and then got better. Don't give up, it has tortured me for 11 months.
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Replied By Ava (North Florida) on 02/02/2019

Jeff, thank-you for the words of encouragement. I plan to keep it up. It is my third day and I had a very bad night. I can't believe this disease. It is absolutely the worse thing I've ever been through. I had never even heard of it till my recent diagnosis. It seems to evolve and spread. Ugh. I will keep everyone posted on my anticipated progress.

Replied By Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 02/03/2019

Update: 13 days in and my rash is about 80% gone. I have very little itching. Occasionally some small spots itch, but nothing like before. If anyone is interested in the makeup of my smoothies, they are 1/2 a banana, 4 or 5 strawberries, 1 kiwi, several blueberries and blackberries, 5 or 6 pieces of pineapple mixed with some orange juice and 1 whole bunch of cilantro. Adding more banana somewhat kills the taste of the cliantro. I do take a teaspoon of Chlorella mixed with orange juice 45 minutes to a hour before the smoothie. I wish everyone the best of luck and god bless.
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Replied By Ava (North Florida) on 02/06/2019

Jeff, So happy to hear of your continued success. Thank-you for your update. My smoothie has essentially the same ingredients as yours, minus the Chlorella. I am on day 5, but no help yet so I'll definitely add it. I will keep everyone updated on my progress. I have only been using 1/2 bunch so I'll increase to 1 bunch a day. Best to all!

Replied By Kim (Florida) on 02/06/2019

Jeff, Thanks again for update. I am on day 10 of Cilantro smoothie (I've been using half bunch with just water and a little sherbet to kill the taste) So far I don't feel or see any improvement, but I will increase to a whole bunch and add the cholorella and change up the ingredients to better match yours and see if that helps. I am off the Prednisone and while I was on it, it cleared up the rash and itching but as soon as I was almost weaned off, the itch came back and new rashes are appearing. But it's not covering my whole body like it was, so MAYBE it's working??? I can't quite be sure yet. I'll update again in a week or so.

Replied By Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 02/10/2019

20 days and still drinking a smoothie every morning. The rash is still 80% gone and it definitely is not as red. It kind of wanes. The rash can still appear when I take a warmer shower. I have to say my back is sooo much better. I used to feel thousands of bumps on my shoulder blades, that is almost completely gone. I'm going to say this is probably going to take a longer time to completely go away if at all, but with the minimal itch I think I can finally live a normal life. My self confidence is also back. I still give credit to the Chlorella and Cilantro. Kim and Ava, keep your heads up as well as everyone else.

Replied By Ava (North Florida) on 02/13/2019

Jeff, Unfortunately I am on day 13 and the cilantro smoothies have not helped. Actually the itching and rash both seem to be worse. However I plan to continue in hopes it will work for me as it has for you and others. I hope you continue to improve and that it is working for Kim by now.

Replied By Kim (Florida) on 02/14/2019

Jeff and Ava, Unfortunately for me the smoothies are not working either. I completely weaned off of prednisone and the rash and itchiness came back full force. I went from a half bunch to a whole bunch of Cilantro to no avail. I will continue for a few more weeks, but sadly, I don't think that Cilantro is the miracle cure for me. I am super bummed. This disease is debilitating for me.

Replied By Kim (Florida) on 02/22/2019

UPDATE - I couldn't stand the itch , so I went back on Prednisone 1/15/19. I started with 8 pills (40mg) on day 1 and weaned down 1 pill each day for a week until done. But I kept up with the Cilantro (whole bunch) smoothies. I took my last pill yesterday. Usually a couple days before I I am done with the Prednisone (when I'm down to one or two pills a day) , I feel the rash and itch begin to come back. So far, I have no rash or itch! I am not sure if the Cilanto finally started working or if the Prednisone knocked it out. But I am cautiously optimistic that I have it under control. I don't want to jinx myself, but I honestly think the Cilantro did the trick after a little over a month and adjusting the amount to a whole bunch instead of half. It's still early. I promise to update in another week or two and let you all know if I remain itch and rash free. - On a separate note, I continue to research this disease and found another possible remedy. PABA. It has been found to help many people suffering from other skin conditions, rashes/auto-immune disorders like, sunburn/heat rash, pemphigus (autoimmune disorder causing skin blisters), and dermatomyositis (a muscle disease causing inflammation and skin rash). I also read where other people have tried it for different autoimmune rashes and found success. No specific mention of Grover's Disease, but thought there could be a connection and worth a try. l actually ordered some to try. But it hasn't arrived yet. I also may not need it. But if Grover's comes back I will give it a try. ps Ava, I gave my contact info to the email provided by moderators. Hope to hear from you soon!

Replied By Ava (North Florida) on 03/07/2019

Hi Kim, I hope you are still doing better. I had a strong steroid shot so I have been a little better the last few weeks but am still drinking the cilantro smoothies in hopes it will help. Can't tell yet due to shot. Dermatologist is going to put me on dapsone so I'll let you know after I try it. I am going to resend my contact info to earth clinic in hopes we can talk. Wishing everyone the best.

EC: Hi Ava, we sent you both an email last week. Please check your email.

Replied By Reasonableperson (USA) on 05/04/2019

Jeff, What form/brand of Chlorella do you feel has helped you?

Replied By Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 05/07/2019

Natures way powdered chlorella

Replied By Jason (Canton, GA) on 10/28/2022

I was diagnosed with GD about 4 years ago. Just started cilantro yesterday so hopefully it will help. I was just wondering if anyone experiences more of a burning pain instead of the typical GD rash? My back is red and hot to the touch and burns when I lay in bed.