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Max (United States) on 01/08/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 51 yr old male from Los Angeles. I have had Grover's for about a year now, very bad, on my back and then creeping up my neck to behind my ears. Doctors could not cure it, prescribed Clobetesol to soothe symptoms: of zero help. I read up about fresh Coriander (cilantro) possibly curing it online -- I have ingested 6 bunches per day in shake for the last 4 days: EPIC SUCCESS!!! Grover's disease is currently 90% GONE all over my body (!!!!) There are still remaining scars and 'receding bumps' but nothing is tender to the touch or itchy AT ALL any more. My back feels like it is completely new: I had forgotten what a 'normal back' feels like, without constant irritation. The only side effect: my neck is very raw for some reason. Not with Grover's -- there are no bumps -- it feels like a sunburn. My theory is that the coriander loosened a bunch of heavy metals that are now flowing around in my bloodstream, some exiting through neck pores. For this, I have now added Chlorella which supposedly grab the now-free heavy metals and send them out via normal bodily waste disposal. But the 'raw neck' is a VERY SMALL price to pay for the EPIC SUCCESS of curing the 'incurable' Grover's disease. It is INSANE that my healthcare professionals did not know about this. This is a CURE for a rare (but not THAT rare) disease, with stunning, immediate, pharmaceutical-like potency. I can only guess that it is because the cure only cost me $15 in cilantro per day -- it is not very profitable.
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Replied By Sally (Muscatine, IA) on 01/23/2019

Max, I am curious if your Grover's is still under control. I am a 55 year old female and was diagnosed and suffering from the horrendous condition for about 2 months now. It is all over my body and I am miserable and tearing my skin up with the extreme itching. I am trying the cilantro and wondering if you recommend 6 full bunches per day or do you think I could go with a little less and still have success? Thank you
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Replied By Janis (United States) on 07/12/2019

I am asking you and others who have tried cilantro to respond with your results using cilantro to treat GD. Like you Max my results were wildly successful using this "crackpot" idea. I have had GD on and off for about 5 years and all the assorted prescription meds I tried were of little if any help. I am classic with a 1 year initial break out and then I would get 6 months on and 6 months off. I want to share with my dermatologists, I have 2) and ask them to consider passing this treatment on to their patients. From what I have read on this site and also the Mayo Clinic skin site discussing GD I find about 50% of us have success. I also do believe it is tied into a metal detox from what I have read. A blood test recently showed I am allergic to 5 metals, but I began this detox without that knowledge. I also have 2 other forms of eczema, so clearly I am eczema prone. In your description please include your results based upon how much you consume: fresh, frozen or pill/capsules, how often you take it: daily, every other day and so on. How long you were on it before you noticed any benefit. If you didn't improve how long before you stopped. I so wish I had know about this treatment years ago. I started this early in April 19 and this is the first summer in years I am able to participate in my families outdoor activities, yet the best benefit of all is to be itch and pain free. I can sweat without the stinging burning. Before even when in the dormant stage my torso always felt hot, as if it were sunburned and that also is gone. Please help me with your information so we can help others.