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Gabriel (California) on 03/13/2020
5 out of 5 stars

India claims ability to prevent corona virus using traditional medicine. Here is a list of their methods:
REPLY   1      

Replied By Wanjiku (Kenya) on 03/19/2020

Gabriel, on this one l need translation please, Prepare decoction by boiling Behidana (Cydonia Oblonga) 3gm, Unnab Zizyphus (Jujube Linn) 5nos, Sapistan (Cordia Myxa Linn) 7nos in 1 litre water until it reduces to half. Store it in a bottle and take sips as and when required. For prophylactic measures immune system need to be strengthen for this purpose Khamira Marwareed 3-5 gm once a day may be taken.