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Justin G. (Atlanta, GA) on 03/25/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Something I have not seen posted here but which is certainly helping in china is acupressure/acupuncture/reflexology. Here are the points that I know of which help pneumonia, upper respiratory issues, coughing, MERS, and SARS: Ding Chuan (M-BW-1) B10 CV22 GB21 LI4 LU1 LU2 LU5 LU6 LU7 LU8 LU9 KD3 KD6 KD27 ST36 ST40 Also pranayama breathing (aka wim hof breathing) is good for breath and staying calm.
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Replied By Justin (Atlanta, GA) on 03/27/2020

Warning: If you're pregnant, do not use LU7.