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Laurie (CT) on 03/30/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Corona Virus and Coconut Oil: (I'm not a scientist or doctor so my terminology might be wrong) The most recent news reports that the COVID-19 CELL has a fatty outer layer. If this is true, is it good or bad to consume Coconut Oil during this time, in other words, because Coconut Oil is fatty, (I assume) does it help me or hurt me to continue oil pulling or taking CO in my food?
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Replied By Tyler Vincent (Creston BC) on 04/01/2020

Dear Laurie, coconut oil effectively kills the corona virus by dissolving the outer lipid protecting the virus. This outer lipid is what keeps the virus undetectable by our immune systems. I cured near death acute respiratory distress syndrome in my lungs by nebulizing MCT coconut oil directly into my lungs. This saved my life. Eating coconut oil daily also killed it in my digestive tract. Here is my vlong: And here is some scientific literature on coconut oils effectiveness against Covid19.
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Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 04/01/2020

I read once that taking soy lecithin granules was like oil pulling. I think it was an article by TED. It emulsifies bad fats out of the body. Maybe it would eat the fat layer on the virus? I use it for choline and inositol for my brain and healing of liver.

Replied By Terri (Fl) on 08/10/2020

Wow. YouTube removed this video! Didn't get to see it.

Replied By Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/11/2020

Google canNOT justify their claim to be protecting people from false information.

I think the international legal definitions of both Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide should be a required subject in school. They are NOT what most people think they are and every child should know them. Violations should be recognizable to everyone and no higher education degrees should be awarded unless the candidate is qualified to testify to its definition in any democratic justice system court.

Replied By Mk (Seattle) on 08/28/2020

Inhaling oil of any type can cause lipoid pneumonia and be very harmful. It is hard to believe that report is true.

Replied By fareed esmail (Spain) on 04/25/2021

Hi Tyler. I cannot access the youtube link. Any chance you can send me the video directly?

Replied By serena (Bali) on 09/13/2022

I tried to watch your video but it was deleted, is it anywhere else? Was very curious about nebulizing coconut oil. I do colloidal or hydrocell with is an silver oxygen silver also but have been researching what else can be nebulised that will fight all this crap int eh air going around. Coughing in particular with a raspy left in your throat and I have been throwing the natural book at it. Would really love to ehar more about this or watch your video wherever else it is thanks

Replied By Hollyhock (America ) on 09/13/2022

I would never nebulize any oil into my lungs! There is lots of good information here on earth clinic, just research. One that stands out in my mind is food grade peroxide inhalation.

Replied By mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 09/14/2022

Serena, do try h2o2 inhalation. There are many ways to do that. The simplest way we have found is breathing the vapors of half a glass of boiling water with a squirt of h2o2 in it, 2-3 times a day.