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Zanybees (Westfield ) on 11/06/2018
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For 2 mos. I was drinking 1 tlbs. of ACV and 1 tlbs. of Maple Syrup in a glass of water, daily. I loved the way it made me feel but then I started noticing my hair was falling out. Has anyone had any issues with this happening?

Replied By Mimi (Georgia ) on 11/06/2018

Hi, Zanybees. I can relate, however not personally. I recommended apple cider vinegar (without the maple syrup) to a family member and felt horrible when she told me she experienced hair loss! She did achieve health benefits also; losing a few stubborn pounds and gained more energy, but I am still curious as to why this happened. I don't think it should be used on a daily basis by everyone.
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Replied By Tamara (GA) on 08/11/2021

Yes! I was taking 1 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily with water, and I am losing hair too!!!!
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Replied By Asma (NSW) on 02/10/2023

It's happening same with me.

The scalp produces natural oils to maintain cleanliness and shine. The apple cider vinegar not only strips away leftover products, it strips away the natural oils. If this is done too much, it can lead to thinning and breakage of hair.

Replied By Asma (NSW) on 02/10/2023

Yes, I am having badly hair fall and dandruff after ACV.
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Replied By Hollyhock (America ) on 02/11/2023

So glad to see this post! I've been drinking ACV every day for several months and was losing hair like crazy, but never put two and two together till reading this! I also added a little ACV to my shampoo as well. Thank you!
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Replied By Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/12/2023

Perhaps ACV would be better viewed as "medicine" - I.e. as a remedy - rather than as some sort of food or supplement?

In the wild, animals eat things that aren't food - presumably for the medicinal effects - that they obviously don't consider food. Which makes perfect sense. I'm going to stop drinking my sours everyday. See what happens. I'm not losing hair but since I've been drinking it everyday for a couple weeks, I should be able to detect some effect of stopping.

I'm also going to slow down and rearrange my iodine dosing, based on my state of being, as there's no point to rushing a non-lethal detox to the point of creating disorder. I LIKE feeling good and DON'T like feeling so sleepy.