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Krishna (Bloomington, IL) on 10/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar did the trick! I have problems of stone with severe pain, on my left lower side abodmen from 23rd Oct 2008 evening onwards.. wend to the local hospital Emergency Room they prescribed some pain killer like Ibuprofen and also Vicodin... but it aggrevated my Nausea, and there was severe constipation not able to pass the stools.. I found this site.. Yesterday I bought one Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar. yesterday evening around 8:00 I have taken 2 ounce of Apple cider Vinegar and 2 ounce of luke warm water... I had lot of omitting after that and a sever pain again.. I took Lemon Juice and Extra virgin Olive Oil both 2 ounces in the night but by morning my pain stopped. again int he morning I took 3 ounces of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR & equal water... by evening 3:30 pm my 3mm stone came out through the Urine. I was so happy to relieve the pain.. Doctor said he is taking the stone to evaluate and give a diet plan to avoid future stone precipitation in Kidney.. THANK YOU FOR THIS SITE WAS VERY VERY USEFUL AND IMMEDIATE CURE MAY GOD BLESS
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Replied By Celtdragn (Stratford, On) on 09/17/2009

had major pains that continued to build up over the last 2 weeks tried the oil and lemon right before bed...and yes very awful going down!! But by next day most of the pain was gone. So followed it up with the applecider and water with some honey to make it drinkable...again not very good going down...but feeling like a new person today!! Thank you so much!!

Replied By Rajeev (Kearala, India) on 04/10/2015

Kidney stones are very common health problem. They form from the chemicals in urine such phosphorous, calcium and oxalic acid. The other reason is that the excessive use of vitamin D, improper diet, and dehydration.

The only simple way to cure the kidney stones is that to drink plenty of water. If you drink 8-10 glasses of water along with the other kinds of fluids daily, the color of your urine will become clear.

Some of the remedies that can be done from home are:

1.Lemon juice and Olive oil

The combination of olive oil and the lemon juice is traditionally used as a home remedy to expel gallbladder stones, but it is also used to treat the kidney stone complaint.

2.Apple Cider Vinegar

It help[s to dissolve the kidney stones. It is also having alkalizing effect on blood and urine.


Both the seeds and juice in this fruit contains the astringent properties that help in treatment of kidney stones (try to eat the whole pomegranate or drink 1 glass of juice daily.)

4.Nettle leaf

This helps to maintain the flow of water through the kidney and the bladder.


It is composed of calcium and magnesium phosphates and carbonates. It helps to treat the kidney stones easily.