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Malu (Houston, Tx) on 04/03/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I suffered a mite infestation in my scalp and they were spreading some in my neck area, an older doctor diagnosed them right (other dr thought I had an allergic reaction to a new shampoo) and he gave me a mix of coconul oil and sulphur to apply in the head and body. Left it in there for two hours, and then washed with soap. For the body he gave also a mix of zinc and copper sulfate in water, to apply with a cotton after I washed the coconut oil. I washed all my clothes in hot water since I just returned from a trip. This worked for me, they didn't come back, nor infested my home. Hope this helps someone.
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Replied By Suzieq (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 04/10/2018

Demodex mites. I have been dealing with these, at least I think that is what it is... for the past 5 months. It's hard. My partner doesn't quite believe me. I've been to 5 different doctors, all do not believe that I feel crawling sensation in my lashes and brows, and on my face, and scalp and behind my hair. We have a cat and dog, and I know what a flea infestation is like, and this is NOT that. The bugs are much more active at night, when the light goes off, the shuffling around starts, in my lashes and brows, and now on the cheeks, scalp. The hardest part is going to a Dr. and telling that that I think this is demodex mite overpopulation. Most have never heard of demodex mites. Others just don't believe me and think I have some kind of allergy, another suggested that sometimes alcoholics can have crawing-sensations... I had to tell her, I do not drink. More than once I have left these Dr. visits, gone to my car, and cried. So, it is reassuring to me to read everyone's input here, I feel that I am not alone. I had not seen anything on my face, using a magnifying mirror, until recently. I had tried using a sea salt and hydrogen peroxide rinse on my body, scalp and face (avoiding the actual eye area), left this on for several minutes, and then looked in the mirror at my face. I was able to see some black things, very tiny, coming to the surface on my cheeks, just under my eyes. They looked kind of like black lint. So, I feel like I am on the right track with using the hydrogen peroxide treatment. I also just bought some borax powder, and neem oil. I am also trying to keep my house much cleaner, but it's hard to wash bedding so often, but I'm trying. We did not have this problem ever when we lived in MN, but moved to CA about a year ago. We also live up near the mountains where there are lots of critters, squirrels, birds, deer, mice, etc... and the dog probably drags things in on her paws. I think that the reason I am getting bitten, more than my partner, is that I had cancer a few years ago and my immune system still is not quite up to par. So... Onward! Keep the faith and please give updates of some remedies that work to get rid of these things. And Thank you all, and God bless you.
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Replied By Terry (OK) on 08/27/2021

I have the exact same thing happening with the eyebrows, eyelashes and face mites. Everything I researched says to use Oust Demodex cleaner because it is the least likely product to sting and burn. Look it up for further details and YouTube has several videos on it too.

Replied By Granny 5 (King, NC) on 09/13/2021

I hope you have already found HCOL. I ordered it from Amazon. I have suffered since January 1993. Went to dozens of Dermatologist, Doctors and Esnaticians. None were helpful. I was searching for something recently and found this item. I think it is an "L" on the end, if not, try and "I". It is super safe and you can spray it everywhere and it gets rid of Mites. You do need to follow up according to the reproduction cycles to keep them gone. These cleaners are sold by the gallon and Personal use containers to spray on CLOSED eyes at night. I spray them every night and sometimes spread it over my face. I guess I cannot recommend this: But, I spent the last 3 weeks digging with my fingernails to get all the debre out of my pores and I am beginning to see a clearing of my complexion, thankfully I used 91% alcohol to clean lesions as I recently read the 71% does not work on Dust Mite Lesions. Apparently, according to what I have read--Doctors have for years been trained to consider these mites harmless. Well now for some reason the Mites are on the uprise and Doctors are still not helping their patients with this problem. I have read that they can enter any organ in our bodies and cause real problems. I also had them in my eyebrows. If you have pets, I have read they have Mites, but different and their mites cannot live on humans.

Replied By Elaine (Petaluma, CA) on 01/11/2022

I had the same experience with the dermatologists--I went to five and they all told me I didn't have mites. They ignored what I told them about all the itching, biting, crawling. They were worthless.

I am trying the colloidal silver that I just read about here. Am grateful for the advice.

Replied By Elaine (Petaluma CA) on 01/11/2022

I forgot to add that one of the determatolgists even prescribed for me a medication for schizophrenia! Didn't want to accept what I said about the mites that were infesting my head.

Replied By TRACY (KY) on 07/04/2022

Thank you so much for that post. I'm going through the exact same thing I've been to five doctors five different doctors and they all diagnose me as soon as I say I think I have an overpopulation of fights they diagnosed me with a psychosis something delusional a paranoia. It's very disheartening. It's ruining my life my marriage is almost non-existent because of the mites. I can't sleep with my husband because he is 23 years older and I'm afraid that I will give him something. I complain about it everyday because for one it hurts it itches and it just makes me feel very disgusting. I have been going through this for 9 months I cry all the time. I have taken lots of evidence in for them to test and they just act like they want no part of it. Like they don't know what to do with it. They don't even want to look at it much less send it to a lab. These doctors who are supposed to be professional are trying to make me think that I'm crazy and in essence they are the ones driving me crazy. This is hard enough to deal with. And at the age of 51 because they didn't do their job I ended up cutting 11 inches off my hair and I can't even say that without crying. This past year has taken so much from me. And this is not something that you can just talk about with people because then they think you're gross. Because they are uneducated and do not realize that virtually everyone has mites on their body. I too have a weekend immune system and have chronic anemia. As I type this I'm standing here in the bathroom with a clay regimen all over my body and my hair praying to God that this will at least suffocate some of them and get them out of my body. I'm literally at my wit's end. I don't go anywhere I don't do anything because I don't want to infect or infest someone else. I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy. The Crawling Sensations into rolling the bugs off of my face and my back are horrible. I'm afraid if I do go somewhere and while I'm talking to someone they'll start running across my face. I can't even hold a job right now because again I don't want to give them to somebody else but also because sometimes the itching is so bad. And it's not a normal itch. It's a different sensation all in its own. My body is creating antigens and antibodies to fight them off, which kind of defeats the purpose for me anyway, because they too crawl. I have been able to capture some really interesting pictures and I've learned a lot about parasitology. I have the follicularium on my scalp in my hair and on my face and my eyelashes and I have the brevis on my chest and my back and groin unfortunately. I virtually shaved off all the hair from my body. I now pencil in my eyebrows and wear a spike. Of All Times be going through a midlife crisis. I look at the mirror and I don't even recognize the person looking back at me. I am so unhappy and so depressed. And I pray to God that He gave me a miracle. And I'm not asking for any kind of spectacular miracle I'm just asking for a doctor that can refer me to someone that is accepting new patients and knows what the heck I'm talking about. Until then I keep searching the internet looking for ways to take care of this myself before I do end up in a padded room. God bless you and thank you so much for sharing your story you have no idea how much you've helped me today. Love in God's name, Tracy
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Replied By Lou (Tyler TX ) on 07/31/2022

Hi Tracy,

There's a soap for Demodex mites called Chang Sheng. Search the Internet for it. Also, my scalp was very bumpy and itchy. I was diagnosed with psoraisis. I believe mites are eating away at it. My scalp is now smooth after shampooing with Coconut oil shampoo and adding some peppermint essential oil to it. Also, I did find some mites behind my ears. It feels like there are tiny ticks at the base of my scalp. I soak in 2 C. Epsom salts to 1 C. Baking soda. I have seen tiny black mites floating in the water. Our home is infested with bird mites, I believe. Even after taking the bugs in a Ziploc bag to show the doctors what I'm dealing with, they still think it's caused by a detergent allergy! They're the ones who are nuts!!!

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Replied By Donna (Bacliff, Texas ) on 04/05/2023

Sulfur and coconut oil OR crisco oil mix well and apply over affected area leave at least 2 hours. I had mites as a teenager and the dog now has them and spreading to people.

Replied By Janice (HI) on 06/08/2023

Aloha, I've had a Demodex infestation now for a year and a half...currently using Nustock a Sulfar, Mineral Oil and Palm oil Lotion for Animals and mixing it with Neem and Coconut oil. Just bought some Borax and will be taking my 1st Borax/ACV Bath tonight. These Mites/Parasites are a Multi Billion Dollar Industry...from Rosacea to failed Plastic Surgery. Think about it, seriously.