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Alice (Pa) on 08/29/2017
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I hope this is how you're supposed to post to a conversation this is for the rabies vaccine side effects. I'm trying to tell my story and the side effect my cat is suffering right now. On August 20th of this year I took my 20 year old cat to the vet for his checkup and blood work he has hyperthyroidism. The vet insisted on giving him a rabies shot. It is now August 29th and my baby can barely walk up until this morning he was eating fine right now he doesn't want to eat for me. I read something on this site about milk thistle, but I don't understand what kind to get or how much to give. I'm so upset because he was fine and now all the vet says to me as well you know he is old. I had to contact a holistic vet in Colorado because there aren't any near me and he recommended dmg and lyssin. Everything I read about lysine says that you have to administer it within hours it's now 9 days later, so I'm not sure it will help him. If there's anyone out there that can help me save my baby he was fine now he's not I'm scared and disgusted.

Replied By Alice (Pa) on 09/03/2017

I want to report a death from the rabies vaccine I wrote her post on the 29th reporting side effects, but I lost him yesterday the 2nd of September. The emergency vet insists that it wasn't the vaccine that he must likely had cancer, but we had no signs and no warnings. So my theory is the vaccine either triggered a dormant or slow-moving cancer and made it rapidly spread.

EC: We are so sorry for your loss, Alice.