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Tess (U.k) on 06/05/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Frozen shoulder is said to be a metabolic problem, related to Dupytren's Contracture and Parkinson's. I noticed when struck with it for the second time that when I ate sugars or carbohydrates with fats the pain would go off the scale. So I cut sugars and carbs out of my diet all together. The pain reduced considerably and I'm recovering at a much faster rate than before.

As well as having a genetic predisposition to it I think for me it's a stress/stomach bacteria related problem. Stress alters the stomach bacteria. Stress also lowers your magnesium levels as you use up your magnesium to produce adrenaline. This has knock on effects in the stomach as you need magnesium to digest your food properly. Badly digested food encourages bacteria to thrive that causes stomach upsets and causes inflammation in the body and these alter the ph to encourage Candida Alicans to thrive. I have suffered with CA after being given iron tablets that allowed the small amount of CA to form a biofilm around itself that protects it from the stomach acids and other bacteria, allowing it to get out of control and cause massive problems.

I don't think that as a species we were meant to eat lots of grains and sugars yet that is what the western diet mostly consists of these days - count how many aisles of a supermarket DON'T contain sugar and grains!

I also took Pau d'arco to kill off bad bacteria and upped my intake of green tea, kimchi, kefir and anything else that supported my good stomach bacteria. Even I am surprised at how quickly the spin reduced. Still quite stiff but beginning to loosen up. But I know if I go back to eating carbs and sugars it will bite me again!

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Replied By Mimi (Central Ohio) on 03/29/2018

I agree very much with this post. For me, if I eat too much gluten I get so much pain in the shoulders and upper arms that I can barely sleep. Dr. William Davis who wrote "Wheat Belly" says there is more sugar in two slices of bread than in a candy bar! Who knew! If I stay off gluten I have absolutely no pain!