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Marvia (Canada) on 05/12/2017
1 out of 5 stars

How effective is Silica in treating bathrolin cyst? I'd really like to know about it. I come across the name by researching online. I've been having bathrolin Cyst recurrence and it make my life really uncomfortable and it's really painful and unbearable . I did the marsupilization and it still come back. Doctors don't seem to take this thing seriously so I am seeking natural and effective treatment. Tired of taking over the counter antibiotic that only help for a short while.

Replied By C (USA) on 01/26/2024

I lanced my own Skene's cyst. This was after starting iodine 2% for several days along with other things like applying Prid salve and then also doterra on guard roller and melaleuca roller to the cyst. I had it for about a week and then was able to do this. It was painless!