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Sara (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) on 09/24/2008
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For about two weeks I watched my dad drink and eat all manner of things he saw on earth clinic. Soon, I saw a difference in him. His face glowed(ACV / Tomato tea), he didnt have acid reflux any more and was the most lively and fun dad I'd ever known in a long time ( compared to tired stressful, busy!).

I've got two q's.

How can I take baking soda as an exfoliator/drink?

Also, I drank ACV and I saw differences such as more energy, and I am not restless at night any more. I then found out ( on E.C.) that i can use it as an exfoliator and tried it. Sadly, on my nose I got burns which my parents describe as 'acid burns'. i also got these on my cheek. For this I used cucumber and variuos face masks.the burns on my cheek dissapeared but because I itched/scratched my nose-burn, the scar remained. It look HORRIBLE. my dad says I put too much AcV, which I now understand I did do. But I only did so because the amount was not stated. Is there anything I can do get rid do get rid of it or do I have to do the hard thing and WAIT for it to heal? It does look VERY awful! Thanx!

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Replied By Kathy (Mtn City, TN) on 09/26/2008

EVCO -Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for your facial "burns". This works great for me. Just put some on your fingertips and spread over your red spots. You can buy at the pharmacy. Perhaps you shouldn't try vinegar again on your face since you had a reaction like that. It will work from the inside out. H202 works well on the face (hydrogen peroxide, 3% that you get from the drug store or grocery), a little on a cotton ball.

To take ACV internally, 2 TBL of ACT, 1/4 tsp of Baking Soda. Let it react then I like to add Cran-Grape juice in a 6 or 8 oz glass. I take twice a day. You can drink with purified water or spring water and add some sweetener (honey) if you need. Drink lots of water too. Restricting sugar and soft drinks works SUPER on acne also. Good Luck.

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Replied By Marcie (Dallas, TX, USA) on 10/01/2008

to help with the healing you can also get a Vitamin E capsule, puncture it and squeeze out the gel and apply it to the affected areas. it is a thick gel and it does soil so you may want to use this at night and put an old shirt or towel over your pillow so it doesn't get stained. if you have any scaring you can also apply Castor Oil to reduce/remove scar tissue.
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Replied By Megan (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/22/2009

I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar lightly dampened on a cotton ball as astringent after a baking soda scrub for my acne prone skin and my face looks amazing. Sometimes i will replace acv with witch hazel and i get similar results. I started using the face mask consisting of honey, lemon juice, salt, acv, & cinnamon and i think its wonderful just mix and leave on for 10 minutes a couple times a week. No more spending outrageous amounts of money on acne products that only half work.
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Replied By Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/29/2010

Have had similar problem for 3 yrs from using Apple Cider Vinegar on my face (only I left it on not realising it was too severe for my very slightly dry, sensitive skin) I have been trying all sorts of natural remedies including honey masks, VCO the list is too long.. Anyway I was recently advised to try emu oil.. It has been a miracle for me. I put a little on my fingertip and smooth it over affected area morning and night ( for first 2 weeks I applied 3 to 4 times a day) After every application there has been a small but noticable improvment. After 2 months my skin is almost back to normal, (so don't expect it to work overnight, but you will see an improvement quickly) The emu oil is very fine and is water soluble so doesn't sit on top of the skin but is quickly absorbed. I wish you all the best with it.
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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/30/2010

I have applied ACV to my face for a while now and it seems to work well. I am a Southern European so I don't have sensitive skin and I apply it twice a day on a cotton wool pad. For my body (I do it once in a while) I found big baby pads which work better than the white cloth advised by Ted a you can throw them away after each application. So far so good..... I don't dilute it but then I don't apply a lot either!