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Luis (Valle) on 01/07/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered a chronic prostatitis with abdominal pain and frequent urination for three months. I think it was due to retaining ejaculation for an excessive time. A urologist recommended me a prostate massage (after a negative urine culture and test) and a batch of a couple of antibiotics for two weeks I did not experience any improvement and I stayed the same.

On my own I started doing abdominal exercises by lifting my legs and bringing them to my chest. This greatly moderated abdominal pain.

Without a solution in sight, and already without hope, on my own I experienced drinking a teaspoon of DMSO 70%, and at the same time I was massaging the pubis with this liquid. I began to feel better from the first session, with reduced pain and moderation of urine at night.

Afterwards, I then decided to rub the liquid directly into the glans first in the nights, and then in the mornings too, after asepsis with soap and water, and then the relief was quicker. Today in the fourth month since the onset of chronic prostatitis I am free of it.

Yesterday I had the prostate antigen PSA taken and the result was 1.6, excellent for a man 65 years old.

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Replied By John (Nebraska) on 02/23/2018

Luis, what DMSO do you use. Buy off Amazon, Ebay. Where did you get yours. And it is the DMSO 70 percent 30% distilled water? Thanks in advance Luis

Replied By Fern. (Aventura, FL) on 10/30/2022

The DMSO that I bought is from Heiltropfen, 70% DMSO & 30% Aloe, on glass bottle (that is important).

Replied By Albert (OH) on 07/07/2022

Can DMSO be used to treat a swollen prostate? What is the dosage? will it help with frequent urination?

EC: Please see the post from Louis in 2017 that we attached this to.


Replied By Daveman (Overland Park KS (USA)) on 07/07/2022

Hi Albert.

Prostate issues mean you're chronically deficient in vitamin D3, iodine, vitamin C, magnesium chloride and zinc. Get you some liposomal vitamin D3, some high quality nascent iodine, zinc and quercetin (to get zinc inside the cells). If you can, get these and start supplementing every single day. Besides this one guy from a group I am part of reported having reversed his dad's prostate troubles by putting him a regular lemon water enema for 3 months straight. He also has his father take Saw Palmetto every day according to him his dad is now free from that which was troubling him. Hope this helps.

Replied By Fern. (Aventura) on 11/11/2022

Let me tell you my situation. I have problem with swollen prostate, PSA high, low pressure of urine flow, little pain, bladder with thick internal wall, reducing the capacity of urine, low testosterone. I am try many procedures presented in this EarthClinic.

By my bladder issue, I did many research, and I am going to ask the doctor to give me a catheter Color Black = French 10 (Fr.10) = 3.3 mm or White = Fr.12,4.0 mm and prescription of RIMSO-50 (dimethyl sulfoxide = DMSO). That is for me to do self bladder installation. As I read: During the bladder instillation, a solution is inserted into the bladder through a catheter. The solution of RIMSO-50 remains in place for about 10 to 15 minutes before it's drained naturally, pissing. It say that the treatment can be done by a urologist or with self-catheterization at home. -- The only bladder instillation solution approved by the FDA is dimethyl sulfoxide. It's believed that this solution works by increasing bladder capacity and relaxing pelvic and bladder muscles. It helps to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

Folks, DMSO is a miracle too. You have to buy "all books" to learn..., I have many, the most practical one is "The DMSO Handbook for Doctors", Archie H. Scott. Only in this book I learned that I can ingest DMSO with many drops, or teaspoonful. DMSO is extracted from tree pulp. Chapters in this book about: Amyloidosis, Alzheimer's and other Dementia, Arthritis, Athletic Injuries, Brain Injuries, Burns, Treating Cancer Patients, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Diabetes, Ear & Hearing problems, Eye Problems, Fibromyalgia, Fungus Infections, Hair/Scalp Problems, Headache, Infections, Inflammation, Interstitial Cystitis, Lupus, Mental Illness, Mental retardation, Multiple Sclerosis, Pain, Protection from Radiation Damage, Respiratory Problems, Scleroderma, Shingles & Herpes, Spinal Cord Injuries, Skin Problems, Stroke, Tooth/gum Disease.

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Replied By John (Cornwall, UK) on 11/25/2022

Hi Luis, thank you for sharing your experience. When you said you rubbed the DMSO directly onto the glans, did you mean the prostate? How did you do that? Thanks, John