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Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 09/08/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I've used potassium iodide for some time for sinus infections, colds and for my girlfriend's bladder infections.

KI [potassium] works so well against bladder infections that Kaiser refused to treat my girlfriend with antibiotics on the day of a severe attack because she showed no signs of the usual bacterial infection since, apparently, the KI had destroyed the bacteria by the time she arrived at the doctor's office. She was also asymptomatic by that time.

If taken at the first sign of a cold or flu, it appears to prevent infection or reduce the symptoms. For those who have sinus infections, I add KI or I [iodine] to a saline rinse and that seems to help keep the sinuses clear.

I read that PI [potassium iodide] was used by ophthalmologists, along with niacin, to clear arteries of plaque back in the 60's since it, apparently, dissolves fat. Older doctors said that once upon a time their instructors would mention this fat dissolving ability of iodine.

Research hydrogen peroxide, it's deadly against certain types of cancer. Most organisms that harm the body like low oxygen environments. Hydrogen peroxide is thus toxic to cancer and the bad bacteria found in the body, but not the "good" bacteria.

I've removed basal cell carcinoma an inch in diameter and about 1/8 inch this with 35% hydrogen peroxide in less than a week. I'm not recommending it. At this strength it is quite dangerous unless you know what your doing. I used a Q-tip to administer it and the opposite end to dab off the excess.

3% hydrogen peroxide works quite well for infections. You can find instructions for its use on the internet.

EC: Read more about potassium iodide here:

or here:

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Replied By Tamtard (San Diego, Ca) on 10/05/2009

Hello, I have a bladder infection as we speak. I have been to the doctor too many times to count for this. You could imagine the doctor bills that I have been sick of. I found some home remedies such as diet and drinking disgusting Apple Cider Vinegar. All the home remedies have seemed to work but take several days to get rid of it. Which means terrible pain when I pee and the discomfort. I came across your post, My question for you is; Do you take the pills or the liquid form? Since reading your post I did my internet research on the idea and a few doctors "internet doctors" have also agreed that it will work, but no one says weather to take the pills or the liquid form. Hope to hear back.

Tam (burning Vajay jay)


Replied By Mesem (Toulon, France) on 01/08/2011

I have been taking Lugol's solution for 3 weeks now and have had great results but a little worried as last 2 days I have been tired with heavy legs and I wonder if this could be due to an overdose of potassium from the KI? I take 2 drops a day of Lugol's. I think I was very deficient and that my body needs this iodide but the potassium?

Replied By Mesem (Toulon, France) on 01/08/2011

I got a message about this from Ted and he said this would be very unlikely. I think I am tired for other reasons!
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Replied By Ridge Runner (Mimor Hill, Tennessee, united Sates) on 04/14/2012

Potassium iodine is very useful for a lot of things and right now it will save your thyroid gland from being destroyed by the radiation from Japan's disaster. The fraud and death adm. is decrying this but the truth is any amount of radiation exposure is not healthy. I don't know if you can still buy the crystals and make your own but what I make is 15%. I suggest that any one taking this should also take this supplement also Beta glucan it puts your immune system into over drive. Also johnathan Wright MD says you should have your thyroid checked when taking sski because it may suppress it. It is real good for a bladder infection and if travling by atr, bus or train will keep you from catching a virus.