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Sheena (Belize, Belize) on 03/21/2007
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I first tried coconut oil to combat the symptoms of hypothyroidism 2 weeks ago.By the first day, I had fantastic energy and felt like I've never felt before! One week ago however, I started having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and tachycardia (rapid heart rate), even at rest, that landed me in the ER. I had never had these problems before and I am wondering if the oil boosted my metabolism so much that it is causing these symptoms. Is there anyone else that has experienced this? I feel great otherwise, but my unbelieving doctor has told me to stop taking the oil and put me on antihypertensive meds. I was taking a tablespoon with every meal. Was this too much? Can somebody please help me?
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Replied By Sherry (Birmingham, AL) on 02/26/2009

I have taken vco for about 5 months. After I got over the candida die off effects I started to notice my heart racing and pain in my chest area. I just didn't feel right anymore. I started taking my bp when I went to a store that had a monitor and it was high. I have never had bp problems before. It was always around 118/76. I stopped taking the oil (which was only 1 tbsp. a day) and started drinking the apple cider vinegar and my bp is normal (actually a little better than normal 115/74) and the heart and chest pains are gone. I decided to take another tbsp of vco last night and when I went to bed my heart started racing and hurting. I since then had bought bp monitor and got up and took my bp and it was 155/81. It was always the top number that was high (weird, I know). So I am now sure that the vco contributed to my high bp. I actually feel so much better and more energetic now that I am taking the apple cider vinegar. Also I had blood work done a month before I ever started taking the vco and my chol. tests were great, then when I started having the chest pains I had a follow up blood work and my chol. had jumped up 50 points. I am not familiar with chol. tests but I am sure that is alot! So unfortunatly I will not be taking the vco anymore but will def. use it for the other benefits I have gotten from it such as clearing acne, hair cond and my husbands toe nail infection. It works great on the outside, just not the inside.