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Rachael (Portland, Or) on 03/02/2016
5 out of 5 stars

This is my first post/ review of anything-- but I feel compelled to share my experience using ACV (apple cider vinegar) for perioral dermatitis (PD). I had been struggling with PD for a year. I was prescribed metro gel (antibiotic ointment) and clindamyacin antibiotic cream. I religiously used them and saw minimal improvement. About 3 months ago, I went to Earth Clinic and read many reviews on ACV (with 'the mother') and decided to try. I used a cotton ball dipped in ACV and swabbed my face, focusing on problem areas. It burned...but eventually -- within about 2 weeks-- perioral dermatitis was completely gone. I did the cotton ball routine about 1x/day at night for about 3 nights in a row.. then throughout the next 10-12 days... every 3-4 days. The PD areas scabbed, flaked and generally look much worse at first. However, within 2 weeks ALL PD was gone. Since then, I use ACV on a cotton swab as a preventative maybe once/week or whenever I think of it. I have not had PD return. :)
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Replied By Judit (Australia) on 09/11/2016

Hi, I am having dermatitis on my not so sure how similar is it with Perioral Dermatitis. I have started my Apple Cider Vinegar treatment 2 days ago. It seriously stung my face and I feel a burning sensation. Whenever I applied acv, some tiny white spot (not sure is it the infection or skin) popped up. Do you have similar experience? Now is my day 3 applying it, my skin still rash & itch feeling that burning sensation. Im not sure - is it getting worse or its normal. I seriously don't wish to go back on steroid cream and trying to be determined to continue with acv. Will you be able to share a little bit more on the effects after applying acv? How can I start notice that the dermatitis is curing using acv? And how long does it start taking effects? Hope to have your reply soon though. Many thanks in advance.
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Replied By Alexandra (Sydney) on 01/08/2018

Do not use steriod creams on perioral dermatitis. It exacerbates the problem!
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Replied By Celia (Boston) on 06/09/2018

Thank you. Im on day 2 of ACV - face what did use as a moisturizer? Ive been using coconut oil for awhile beofre the ACV

And plz confirm the ACV makes the appearances much worse before getting better bc it looks really bad!

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Replied By Shelley (De) on 06/11/2018

Yes, the 50/50 of ACV and water worked for me as well, and it looks worse before better. Cleared up my rosacea and blemishes beautifully. Just takes patience and coconut oil after.
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Replied By Helen (Leeds) on 12/08/2018

Hi Shelly

Can I ask if you used anything to help with the tightness are soreness as well? I've been battling with it for 6 months - three steroid creams, all useless - and only just self-diagnosed. Bought calednula and zinc cream and not sure if it's coincidence but the PD has doubled in size and redness so now I'm in a lot of discomfort. I'm using the ACV but it's getting so dry and painful especially under my eyes.