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Linda Sa (Sedona, Az) on 02/29/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I developed a chalazion last summer and tried twice-a-day compresses with light massage, boric acid washes, and apple cider vinegar on the outside of the lid for a couple of months but none of those worked to diminish it. I finally gave up trying anything and didn't worry about it.

Now, eight months later, it is completely gone without me doing anything to it - I didn't even stop wearing makeup. It disappeared by itself and I didn't need to try and fix it. It would be good to know if this is true for others - that the lesions just disappear on their own for everyone - or if I just got lucky.

REPLY   18      

Replied By Victoria (Usa) on 11/15/2016

This also happened to me. I had a chalazion for a few months and then it disappeared. Now I have another one that's been here for a few months also so I'm hoping it'll do the same.

Replied By Richard (ON) on 11/15/2020

I just got it for the first time. Going to try hot compress but it's been here for about a month now so don't know how effective heat will be. Wish me luck.

Replied By MissM (New York ) on 11/15/2020

Apply heat as often as you can and massage area. It will go down. Additionally buy unscented baby wipes and wipe eyes clean multiple times a day. Chalazions caused by demodex mites who thrive on oils. Keep eyes clean dry and apply no oils. Demodex are killed by tea tree oil.

Wash your hair and face with Desert Essence tea tree shampoo for a month.

You must wash your bedding as often as possible with detergent borax powder and hot dry heat.