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Toya (Ga) on 02/29/2016
5 out of 5 stars

First let me start off by saying I NEVER do any reviews or feedback for anything online but I HAD to come back to this site to share my story. I struggled with BV for a very long time... Maybe 5 years(yeah 5! ) it would come and go. I have seen different doctors and they would prescribe me antibiotics (flagyl) that would last periodically but not permanently. So one day I decided to type in BV cure and I saw the peroxide cure ... OMG this really works! I cannot explain how grateful I am that I came across this. The first time I tried it, it lasted up until I was sexually active then came back so I tried it again but added about a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and its been about 4 weeks and I'm STILL good, even after sex! I cannot believe this worked I have struggled with odor and different embarrassments because of this on and off for so long so to come across something so simple that I've had at home all these years, is amazing. I am so grateful for this I cannot stress enough if you have this problem just at least try it... If it helped ME it'll most likely help any one.
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Replied By Abbey (Allentown, Pennsylvania) on 03/01/2016

I'm so glad I found this post! I've been battling with BV for many weeks now and I see how much its affecting my life! I have been on FOUR rounds of antibiotics with no avail. Until I found this I've felt hopeless! I have used the tampon and douching methods yesterday and I do think it's improving. I have such bad burning and itching on the outside of my V (vulva) and was wondering if anyone else had itching and burning and if the hydrogen peroxide helped that at all? Any info would be really wonderful. Thank you ladies!

Replied By Courtney (Alabama) on 03/02/2016

I am suffering from BV for about three months now. I have gone to the doctor twice and have been put on two antibiotics and the problem goes away while I am on the medicine but comes back like the very next day. My doctor has done cultures on me and has confirmed it is vb. When I called yesterday to tell her nurse that my problem has came back for the third time now, she called me in some vaginal cream (I cant remember the name of it but I was to apply it twice a day for two weeks.) When I went to the pharmacy to get it, they told me it would be $96. That's when I decided not to buy it and I started doing research on home remedies and came across this post. I have some questions because I have never used a douche before and I don't know the proper ratio of water to hydrogen peroxide. I have also read some people have kept the liquid in for between 30min-1hour. How exactly do you "hold it in?" I thought that it came out when you rinsed it out? I don't know a lot about this stuff so if someone could give me better directions on how this works it would be greatly appreciated.
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Replied By Hoping4acure (In) on 03/04/2016

I have been regularly struggling with BV for about 8 years now. I have had countless rounds of antibiotics, oral and vaginal, and the problem goes away but persistently comes back after I have sex. After reading some of the stories on this site, I see that a lot of women regularly struggle with BV even after antibiotic treatment. Personally, I am usually fine after treatment but it's just until I am sexually active again that it comes back. It is such a pain! I have also tried a few at home remedies and nothing ever does the trick. I'm going to try the peroxide soaked tampon in hopes of it clearing up without a doctor visit. I wish that there was a way I could keep it from coming back even after sexual activity! HERE'S TO HOPING!
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Replied By Jessica (Sugar Land, Tx) on 05/20/2016

@Hoping for a cure

If you are having unprotected sex that is one of the main causes, I'll explain why in a bit...but since you've taken antibiotics you have killed not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria that are extremely important for optimum health and well being, not only of the vagina but many other areas in our bodies, if not our entire when you take antibiotics you are wiping out your body's defenses against infections viruses etc so the minute you have unprotected sex or many other sexual activity four play etc you are introducing a ton of germs, bacteria and other foreign substances into your body that has little to no defense to fight off and protect you from the bad bacteria now entering your have to allow enough time for your body to rebuild its "army" regain its strength recruit and train new soldiers etc before having normal intercourse again...meaning avoid having sex for a while if possible till you can get your vaginal flora back to optimum health...but if you can not do that, I get it too...have as clean of sex as one can almost ocd with it...first off wear a condom or have your partner wear one no questions asked do introduce saliva to it or open it prematurely, don't set it down anywhere etc keep it as clean as possible. Have both you and your partner wash hands thoroughly before getting started, if possible brush your teeth (both of u) and even better if you can use some peroxide as oral debriding agent too, read instructions in the back of the bottle. Pee before sex and after sex, ALWAYS VERY IMPORTANT, another thing that would be absolutely beneficial is to rinse your bodies prior to engaging in sexual int. Or at least washing rinsing genitals...stay away from any anal type of activity that is just asking for serious bv and other vaginal infections, uti's etc...meanwhile you want to BE helping your body regain its defense system up and running finding a good source, better yet an excellent source of probiotics specifically for women. Preferably you want to do one that is RAW, FULL SPECTRUM WHOLE FOOD FORMULA WITH SEVERAL DIFFERENT STRAINS OF ACTIVE GOOD FRIENDLY BACTERIA PLUS BILLIONS OF ACTIVE CULTURES AT THE TIME OF CONSUMPTION LOOK ONLINE OR WHOLE FOODS OR SOMEWHERE SIMILAR TO WHOLE FOODS...IT Will be a bit pricey $30-40 for a good month supply but absolutely worth it in the long can also ad bacteria by eating all natural raw plain yogurt with live cultures, kefir, drink aaple cider vinegar like braggs organic Apple Cider Vinegar "with the mother" you wanna do one tbs per 8 to 10oz of water make sure to shake the bottle to get the goodies in the bottle that sink to that once or twice a day...its also good to drink half of a freshly squeezed lemon in warm water on empty stomach every morning or as often as possible...start taking folic acid supplement, as well as vitamin c, b complex would also be beneficial. Or just get a good woman's or even prenatal daily multi vitamin supplement...drink lots and lots of water stay away (as much as possible at least) from sugar use stevia when possible, alcohol, processed white flour or anything that has it in it, or things that turn into sugar, even the fruits u eat should be limited, and try to find the ones that have the least amount of sugar for the time being...junk food, fast food juices, soda, sweet tea coffee etc minimize the intake of it all...try to stick to straight water if u want flavor infuse your water with fruits and vegies and again use stevia As a substitute for your normal white sugar. Reason being is bc these things are for the most part poisonous to our bodies and most of all are what the bad organisms that are causing all these problems thrive on...they feed off of sugar etc they like warm wet dark places that's weak in defense and has an abundance of their primary food source...sugar...the idea is to starve them, rebuild your army to come fight these weak starved soldiers off as quickly as possible all while not introducing too many more to the environment...also make sure you are wiping front to back even when u just pee...avoid sitting in wet under garments, also avoid pools hot tubs TAKING BATHS thongs try wearing cotton undies as much as possible...let it breath as often as possible..yes I said let your vaginal when safe to do so let it breath air it out...get some sun approximately 20 mins a day is not only safe to do but highly recommended no more than 20 moderation is key use sunscreen and take whatever necessary precautions based on your skin type and sensitivity. Everyone's diff. As far their sun (uv)exposure tolerance goes ... Do the peroxide douche the directions for it are on this website...I would also do a tea tree oil douche once a day and peroxide once to 2x a day till its not use anything with a fragrance on or near sprays soap body wash lotions wipes pads panty liners sprays etc I think I've covered most of it hope this helps I know it's a lot but it' will worth it in the long-haul getting to live your life normal again without the embarrassment and frustrations that dealing with bv brings about..also stay away from antibiotics its a viscous cycle and your body will start to build an immunity to it and it will stop working all together but as u know it doesn't cure anything it only treats it temporarily so why bother

***eat garlic if possible or take garlic supplement as an added measure or substitute method for one of the above mentioned remedies***

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Replied By Breesha (Texas) on 04/17/2018

So when u did the peroxide with a bit of apple cider vinegar did u do 50/50 with the peroxide? Like did u do half water and half peroxide or full strength peroxide????

Replied By Jessica (U.S.V.I.) on 05/08/2018

Well to simplify this question, I have had BV for som 2 or 3 years but nothing has worked as good as huydrogen peróxide. I use a 30ml of hydrogen/water mix insert on e a douch while scared on toilet. i really don't think it's safe to keep it in there for all that time unless your taking a tub bath with apple cider has worked well in ridding my BV with the 30ml of hydrogen/water mix like a douch. It works in one day. I use it 2wice in one day and it's gone. Never had to do a 2 day routine.
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Replied By Toya (Ga) on 05/09/2018

I used about 3/4 cup of peroxide, a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and the rest water. Hope this helps 😊