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Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 02/03/2016

HI YA'LL, , , , , , , , know you have been following the Chipolte restaurant saga. The CDC can find no e -coli in their foods. Mike Adams suspects that they are being sabotaged by the bio companies because they went to "no GMO foods" and even had in your face advertisements like, " GOMer it ".

Next we have the Zika virus which was a project of the wealthy elites. They released these mosquitoes in Brazil. This just happens to be the site of this summer's Olympics where people from all over the world will be there to take this virus back home. Is this just happen stance?

Here is the health ranger, Mike Adams and his take on this.


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Replied By Jan (California) on 02/04/2016

Robert Henry thanks for the heads up! I believe you and Mike Adams! I read that his website is one of the publications that really terrifies The Elite!

Just how evil can these people get? I tremble.


Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/04/2016

HI U JAN, , , , , , , , I don't know squat, I just read and think critically. That is not good for your health because the folks that live in LaLa land are far happier and live longer. I am a negative person which means that I know a fraud before any one else does. I got this way by my life's experience.

I can be a delightful person, but I have to work at it. Just remember that my political posts on this site are from what I have studied and I think folks truly need to know. Sometimes I'm wrong, but not often.

Just know that I'm an educated Redneck and that makes me spooky. The guy who filled up our LP tank yesterday asked me how I know all this stuff. I told him that I constantly read. It went over his head. That is my admonition to the EC folks. Read and you won't need to ask so many simple questions.

Out of spit. ======ORH=======

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Replied By Green Augustine (Mold, Denbighshire) on 02/06/2016

Thank you for the link about Zika. As you say, we have no idea if it's just another big business scam. But in 2002 to 2007 I worked part time at a doctors' surgery here in North Wales and the nurses were constantly stocking up the medical fridges with 100s of vaccines for avian flu, pig flu or whatever was flavour of the month. Then we were told that by 2008 there would be a world pandemic of flu, far worse than the 1919 Spanish flu pandemic which is said to have killed millions. We're now in 2016, and still waiting for these catastrophes. Last year my husband was persuaded to have the winter flu jab. He got a persistent cough afterwards which lasted for six months. The same happened with a friend of ours. So keep taking the garlic, chilli, ginger, sambucca, lemon juice or whatever keeps you healthy. Since bacteria were the first life form after the Big Bang, it's pretty unlikely the big Pharmas will find anything to see them off! Thank goodness for sites like this.
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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 02/11/2016

HI U NEIGHBOR TIMH, , , , , , , , , , , , things are getting more interesting concerning the Zika virus. Here is the latest. I won't comment as I got beat about the head and shoulders for that recently. TIMH, what I learned in 40 years in the paper industry is that you cannot spend your way out of a problem, you have to think your way out.

I now know where my back pain is coming after this morning's MRI read out. Will post that later as it makes me feel like a dunce. It is one of my Sheet + 2 = 8 things. Guess I need to work on my obvious dementia problem.

ATS ======ORH======

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Replied By Timh (Ky) on 02/12/2016


It is clear planet earth has a human population density problem, unfortunately there isn't much money to be made in the department of prevention, so instead we get radical, extreme, and profit driven medicine that is, like the article suggest, shallow on objective science.

Maybe you have "lived & learned" your way up to the cure for your back, and like myself so many times, wish I had the smarts to have learned early on instead of latter.

Maybe it's not too late for healing that you will be able to have a bountiful garden this yr. And as for the minerals we don't get from especially commercial big ag, last yr I sprinkled some Leonardite powder over those bald patches in the yard and it done them well enough to mention. Leonardite is a full spectrum mineral from natural deposits carefully mined and pulverized to a very fine "water flowable" powder. Perhaps you already use advanced fertilizers I don't know, but it is worth mentioning for any gardener for getting high levels of minerals in the crops. I use these minerals orally and in foot & whole body baths as a more cost effective means in comparison to otc Ionic Trace Mineral tabs or caps.

Maybe one day I will get well enough to garden, or maybe take a ride down to the ORH place and offer up my services and ask no more than to be in your & wifey's good company and hospitality, and maybe, if I'm lucky, fill the trunk of my car up with good organic veggies that are so rare on my table. When able, I do go down to our local Mennonite Community for fresh veggies. What fine examples of good faith-filled and strong family life plus the sustainable farming practices. Driving down the road and looking over those immaculate gardens and orchards is a real pleasure. And the womens make up lots of breads, jams, and such for retail. In late autumn they cook down large quantities of the good Blackstrap Molasses so often mentioned & used here on E.C.