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Liz (Boston, Ma) on 12/23/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I have used Lion's Mane. I took it for memory support and while I found that it did help, it eventually got so expensive that I couldn't afford to buy it anymore. :( Supply and demand...*sighhhh*

I tried less expensive brands, but they were nowhere near as effective.


Replied By Tara (Cincinnati Ohio) on 12/24/2015

Lions Mane are easy to grow in most climates. A quick goodle search will tell you how and it's pretty simple. They are not expensive really to buy- the cost of one bottle of capsules will buy about 100 plugs. All you have to do is find logs or trees to 'plant' them in and drill the holes.

Many medicinal mushrooms can be grown at home and bought online - to buy the capsules is insanity.

and if you have a good harvest, you can always eat them or sell some- organic mushrooms go for a good price to local chefs- and you can always check your local 'locavore' site.

They are easy to tincture and make into teas or dry as well. Fresh and local is always better :)

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Replied By Kathy (Macomb, Il) on 12/24/2015

I am hoping to induce more ngf [nerve growth factor] also to knock down the tn [trigeminal neuralgia].
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Replied By Liz (Boston, Ma) on 12/25/2015

Unfortunately, that's not an option where I live. "Drill holes in a tree"? What's a tree? (j/k)

I live in a concrete jungle, so this isn't an option, nor is foraging through local wooded areas (in case that was your Plan B). ;-)

I suppose I could ask a friend in the burbs if I could drill holes in one of their trees. When they're finished laughing at me, maybe they'll say yes? :) (I think I had one too many eggnogs at our family get-together earlier this afternoon. I'm in a sillier-than-usual mood.)

Not knocking it--it's a great idea for those with trees in their yard! I would be ALL over this if I were one of them.

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Replied By Harmonica (Northern Illinois) on 01/14/2016

Hi - I would recommend the Stamet's brand called My Community' -- it's the blend we use. High quality product and available locally in a few places here as well as online. We have more energy - just feel great!