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Roo (Nc - North Carolina) on 12/01/2015

I have my first Bartholin Cyst. It is EXTREMELY painful. About the size of a large grape? I'm thinking about getting it lanced tomorrow because I'm in welding school and need to be able to move without pain.

I got some Silica today and have been taking a bunch of it...yet to see results... I have an important test on Thursday (it's Tues) I need to be able to practice for. Should I get it lanced at urgent care? I have no gyno or insurance.

Also I've been doing hot calendula compresses and taking a lot of vitamins.

It hurts to drive, do anything, I'm scared and not sure what to do. Help!!!!


Replied By Hopeful1 (Nc) on 12/02/2015

I had a Bartholins cyst at age 18. I could tell when it was going to burst because it would start throbbing and become very painful. The thing about those is that they will continue coming back unless you have it lanced. I had my lanced at 19 and I am now 39. Get it lanced, it will be the best thing for you. Its a very simple and quick procedure. You will feel much better afterwards. TRUST ME!
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Replied By Amanda (Harbor) on 03/31/2017

This definitely does NOT work for most. Lancing it is only taking care of the current cyst, not the underlying reason for the drain blockage and swelling. Marsupialization is an option but in my opinion, not a good one. At least, it didn't work for me. I had 2 marsupializations done on my left gland after having it lanced and drained 4 times. I then had the gland completely removed surgically and it's been my only source of relief from the horrid thing!!! Well NOW... 10 years later... Right gland has decided to join the fun. I wanna cry every time I talk about it. I've had it lanced and drained 6 times already, I refuse to do marsupializations any more because they are extremely painful. Local anesthetic does NOT work in your genital region because of the amount of nerves so you feel EVERYTHING. Literally getting a hunk of flesh, shaped like a square, cut from the inside of your labia and stitches sewn around the edge of the entire incision. I was screaming like a horror movie victim.

All in all this is a nightmare and the ONLY thing that has worked for me is a large gauze soaked in witch hazel left on for overnight and if it hasn't burst by morning than applying a tea tree oil / coconut oil mix directly to it.

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Replied By Yeah (Texas) on 04/16/2018

Girl NO. Try your best to NOT HAVE IT LANCED. I'm 22 and got my first one at age 20 and lemme tell you... literally the worst PAIN OF MY LIFE.