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Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Earlier I was using coconut oil thrice a day and castor oil once a day... It cured me upto 50% in 4 days....

And then over the weekend, I applied castor oil thrice a day and coconut oil once a day....And my progress was upto 90%... I am amazed to see its results... It is NO LESS THAN MAGIC.

At some parts I can't even see the spots.

I applied it only on the affected area (not on the whole body). You may apply it on the whole body but concentrate more on the affected area.


Replied By Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/26/2015

I don't know if the user rating I have selected is matching with the results I got. At one part, it has been almost 95% cured...even the spots are not clearly visible. Skin color is also coming back to normal.

Whereas on the other part it has started expanding. I mean earlier I had it on hips...but now the problem on hips is lessened and probably on the way to cure....but now some part of my back is affected...and it seems that it has started moving upwards..

I am continuing to apply castor oil once or twice a day and coconut oil thrice a day... Will keep you posted if it gets cured...

Also I am planning to see my doctor my the medicine he suggested for ketoconazole for 3 weeks is going to be over...So I need to ask what should I do next.