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Nicole (Indianapolis, In) on 09/05/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I had my fourth gallbladder attack last night. For the past month I've really changed my diet and have been eating very healthy and exercising. My other attacks landed me in the ER with nurses asking "Why haven't you had it removed??" I've had 5 open abdominal surgeries in the past for appendicitis, peritonitis and endometriosis. I've decided to persue any and all natural remedies before considering any more surgeries (unless life threatening). I had the Braggs ACV with the Mother ready on hand for my next attack. I bought organic unfiltered apple juice from my local Whole Foods to mix with it as I've read the ACV is quite strong.

My attack came on gradually in the middle of the night and eventually I could not lay down. I mixed 1/4 cup of ACV with 8 ounces of the apple juice. After every gulp of the mixture I sucked on a lemon wedge to miminize the strong taste which worked out great and I was able to drink the mixture completely within 5 minutes or so. My pain was totally gone within 15-20 minutes and I could go back to sleep! I could not be happier to have found this natural remedy and so many people who have posted their positive experiences with ACV! I never thought this would actually work for me, to be honest. I had pain pills waiting just in case. But never took them! Never again!! Thank you!!

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Replied By Joseph (Fort Worth) on 01/30/2016

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice - Awesome, this stuff works. My wife was having her second attack and I ran over to kroger, followed the instructions and she felt so much better in minutes.. Happy hubby
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