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Patricia (Laguna Niguel) on 12/19/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I love this website! Lots of wonderful home remedies. I read about Iodine and went on ebay- I bought Povidone- Iodine first to try, and painted myself with it over every problem area of my skin- the colors were disappearing in 15 minutes or so. The bottle says for external use only and do not apply it over large areas of the skin. Well, I have not tried take it internally yet, but as I understand it, Povidone is used for prep surgeries, which means it is in contact with blood and internal organs. After my first application on small areas, I noticed that the morning after I could see significant improvement on my skin where there used to be acne-like pumps that I had for several years- some shrank and some went away. I then started using it on all scars and it seems to make them more smooth and heal better. Upon seeing that, I asked my husband to paint me all over my back- dry, flaky skin with red irritable spots- and over night, they became more smooth. So I started to use it more and more, sometimes it stains my clothes, but my skin seemed to be healing. Don't know if that is also indication of my iodine deficiency. I wonder if it works any differently from Lugol's. I do have signs of low thyroid function, like cold intolerance, poor circulation. Can you tell me if I can take the Povidone internally? How is it different from Lugol's?
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Replied By Adriana (Van Nuys, California) on 03/07/2009

Do not ingest providone iodine, yes it is used in surgeries but only for prepping. It does not come in contact with the organs.

Replied By Rick (Dayton, Oh) on 11/21/2011

Iodine defficiency is common, because most of what we eat is grown in mineral-depleated soil. It makes sense that iodine would clear up skin conditions, since that point was made many times by Cayce in his health readings. The concept is to give each cell what it needs, usually iodine (defficient) and it will restore circulation that is lacking / messed up, then clear out blockages, like redness, bumps, moles, warts, scars-- all results of poor circulation (superfiicial/ surface-level).

No, one should NEVER ingest Povidone-- it is not made for that, neither are iodine sanitizer tablets (that's why they taste horrible & you will immediately spit it out! ). But since most of us don't live near seawater, the source of iodine salt (it can be a liquid or salt dissolved in water, and evaporates when heated like anby salt will), and lack access to safe seafood and fresh kelp or any sea plats would be great (but taste awful dried), then either 1. ) eat sushi, as it is wrapped in Nori, a dried kelp (favorite snack of Japanese-- they eat it like jerky), or 2. ) have some miso soup -- it comes with Nori or some other kelp pieces in it, or 3. ) purchase Atomidine, is 14. 00 a reg. Sized dropper bottle which will last you forever nearly. Directions for its use, also called tri-chloric iodine (tastes like pool water -- take alone in pure water an hour after morning meal -- as it's a slight stimulant, like ginseng is-- or take 1/2 hour before breakfast), directions are readily available on many websites: like any thyroid-related remedy, one should not take it constantly (though doctors advise T4 replacement thyroxine to be taken daily & regularly for life, this syntheti drug has a LOT of side-effects that may be worse than a low thyroid function; I recommend everyone try iodine supplement only in this orally-designed supplement before going onto thyroxin permanently, to see if you can allow your thyroid to fix itself first.)

It was originally patented by Dow Chem. Co. (one of the actually good things they come up with) in 1931 or 1932 (there is also a Dr. Who/ chemist who came up with the bascially identical tri-chloric iodine, besides Dow's Atomidine, around the same time), and the patent for the latter was transferred to Cayce's Foundation via its Heritage Store (from Dow, I think is how it went). It is purported to also protect from polio (a virus) and some other stuff like malaria (a mosquito parasite they carry in their blood of the female ones).

It is said that making sure you enough iodone (the recommended RDA of the FDA) is the most crucial mineral or viatamin because Cayce asserted that it is the thyroid (! ) that is the ''master gland'' (! ) and not some part or gland of the brain (the hypothalamus controls the thyroid via a feedback loop, so that it is mutual control, but modern belief calls the pituitary the ''master gland, '' which controls growth, even though the pituitary is controlled by the thyroid-- so go figure), as is erroneously believed today. (While self-hypnotised, the ghost of an ancient learned surgeon, an advanced doctor--from a time when medicine was even more advanced than today, spoke though Cayce, allowing him to cure thousands or tens of thousands of supposedly incurable cases with various maladies, including using OMT/Osteopathic spinal manipulation that a D. O. Does, which is vagely similar to Chiropractic adjustment, and all done from his couch-- he would float there he said, and could see the person, from accross the country, inside & out, and immediately know their ailments & how to cure them, but remembered nothing on waking, so someone was there to write it all down. He was also studies by the AMA, and told a person to perform the first modern bone mending successfully with a nail).

Directions/ Doage: findable on numerous websites, the treatment regimen for the dietary supplement includes varying dosage and not continuously: 1 drop in 1/2 cup purest water 1st day, then 2 drops in water 2nd day, then then 3 drops the 3rd day, then 4 drops the 4th day, then leave off & stop taking it for like 4 days. Other direcrtions say a drop each day for 2 days, 2 drops for days 3 & 4, and then 3 drops for day 5 & 6, then 4 drops the 4th day & then quit & stop for a whole week, but then resume the following week. If you seem to hyper or flush or anxious, then only do it for 1 week out of the month. You should see much more energy and sleep better and feel less tired. This is suupposed to help just about any condition (especially hair & nails, but that also calls for calcios bone marow paste, or sardines, daily on a cracker too, with lemon flavor).

Some people even claim thay had been diagnosed with terminal unreatable cancer, moved to the seaside to die, had someone tell them to eat tons of kelp with iodine and then made a full recovery. SO goes the stories in published books about his life work & people who stumbled on his remedies. By the way, the FDA says it is safe to eat seafood that grows close to the coeastlines, like oysters, crab, some lobster, scallops?, especiialy bottom-feeding carp and catfish, and small or canned tuna (not deepwater tuna like endangered bluefin or plentiful small ocean skipjack) once per week and not more than twice (maybe 3 times) because you never know where it was caught and metal levels there in the water and the danger of heaby metal toxins accumulating faster than you can eliminate them, like mercury and lead or cadmium from batteries, etc. Dumped in the oceans, usually near coastlines where those things grow and eat from. Once or twice per week, I believe is what the FDA says. But you can always eat plenty of kelp or take pills of it, since it grows mainly in deepwater clean areas. (Yikes! , no Japanese-waters-caught kelp for a while, so no glowing in the dark, though, ok?)

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Replied By Rick (Dayton, Oh) on 11/21/2011

Oh, I forgot to mention a warning (though I did say to abide by FDA dietary recommendations in my other post): not only is THIS (Povidone iodine) form of iodine designed only for topical use and should never be drank, it is also very easy to poinson yourself when taking even an approved iodine dietary supplement, and extreme caution taken not to exceded recommended dose daily. I believe the FDA says something like one and a half to 2 thousand MICROgrams, 2 I think. And I believe anything over 6mcg can be dangerous (according to several thyroid problem websites). SO no, don't ever drink this stuff, but do look for a natural supplement that adheres to strict manufacturing control guidelines or eat a lot of seafood , mainly fish & others that are NOT bottom feeders (except once or twice per week for those) and a lot of kelp or any other sea vegetables (they do a lot in Scotland at foorball games like we do hotdogs). Sunomono is the Japanese word for seaweed salad-- very tastey, as it is flavored with sesame oil. Or buy the dropper bottle of tri-chloric iodine & have a dop in 1/2 cup of water every other day or something. Testing your T4 level will tell you if youmay not be getting anough iodine from produce / vegetables, etc. Grown in good, mineral-rich soil (containing salts and alluvian soil from the sea). This is also one reason it is usually better to buy locally-grown produce.