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Kimberly (Fl, Usa) on 06/09/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I recently got sunburned (my bad for not using sunscreen) I didn't think I was outside long enough. Well I tried every suggestion on the website - but the most I got was 5 minutes temporary relief. I even bought aloe vera sunburn gel. But when my spouse read about the gel there was not that much aloe vera in it. We had 99.9% Aloe Vera juice in the refrigerator. It was quite a shock going on (was cold being in the refrigerator) but this helped me more than anything. It also took a lot of the redness away. I used it several times through out the day. Hope this suggestion helps someone else if they happen to get sunburned.

Replied By Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 12/21/2018

Aloe Vera didn't work for me. I had very severe sunburn on my legs, so bad that they were swollen. I give this remedy 1 star.

What did work was yoghurt. The swelling improved noticeably in a matter of minutes. Greek yoghurt is the one you should use wherever possible, and sourer the better.