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David (Portland, Oregon) on 07/14/2008
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For about six months I've been taking Rhodiola (Rosavin Plus standarized 3% Siberian Rhodiola rosea, RosaFactor 300 mg.) for depression and fatigue. For some weeks now I have been suffering headaches, eye irritation, and general tiredness. I have also had some heart arrhythmia. My doctor can find no other cause of these symptoms and recommends that I stop taking this herb and see if there is improvement. I will report what happens and would like to hear from others who may have had negative side-effects to Rhodiola. DJW

Replied By Abisha5192 (Staten Island, New York) on 01/21/2013

Thanks for posting this. I'm a healthy 56 yo, with a heart of a 26 yo, no history of heart disease in my family, non smoker and non drinker, I am in ICU right now with arrhythmic palpitations that almost killed me. I will see my cardiologist tomorrow and tell him that there is no doubt in my mind it is the 275 mg Rhodiola Rosea I take daily.