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Allan (South Africa) on 03/08/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Am I the only one to have experienced 100% cure by L-Lysine for severe Sciatica? Having been in agony for ten days with severe sciatica which made it painful to lie, sit, stand or walk and made sleeping very difficult, but just a series of cat naps between being woken by the pain, in desperation I resorted to L-Lysine on a Saturday afternoon empty stomach. Took 1500 mg followed later that evening, two hours after supper with another 1500 mg. Nothing else out of the ordinary was done or taken. The results were dramatic. On Sunday morning the sciatica was about 80% better. I continued taking 4 same doses per day, always on an empty stomach.

On Monday morning sciatica was 90% better, on Tuesday a.m. 95% better and Wednesday about 99% better. On Thursday a.m. 100% better. Gone. Continued taking gradually reducing doses until the last dose on the Saturday morning, then stopped. That was two years ago. The sciatica did not return.

Note: There is a certain carcinoma which feeds on Lysine and also an excess can produce gall stones and other unwanted side effects.

Has anyone else tried it for Sciatica?

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Replied By Livefree (Usa ) on 09/14/2015

I just started taking lysine 4 days ago in hopes to help mild Rosacea I developed on my face in March 15' (I take 1,000 mg lysine on empty stomach with 1,000 mg vita c 3x/day). So far, I have not noticed any difference in face BUT I DID notice very bad sciatica I have been experiencing for last 4 months has had 4 "good days" ....not sure yet if it is a coincidence or possibly the lysine? It's a little too soon to tell bc I do get a string of days or even a week or so from time to time where it will "let up" I'll think it's healing and then it ends up back in full debilitating force. I googled to see if others are using lysine for sciatica and that is how I found this post ;)
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Replied By Robert Henry (St George Island, Fla.) on 09/14/2015

HI U LIVEFREE, , , , , , , , , guess I'm a broken record and sorry to dominate the scene, but again, Ozone will solve your problem. Like I keep telling folks, spend time on Dr Shallenbergers video teaching site and you will learn wonders.

I have been down this trail all my adult life with Sciatica and most times it was due to emotional stress. I once had a 5' 2" boss who was the poster boy for the song " Short People". Click and listen to the words.

When I got into a meeting with him, my muscles would tighten and pull my spine out of line. The problem went away when he fired me after our O.K. Corral episode.

I had always wanted to experience a firing and and being bitten by a snake. I have been down both trails, and am now caught up. I don't need more.

Don't think there is a chemical solution to Sciatica. Think it is a spine misalignment due to emotional or physical stress. But what do I know at my young age?
