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Korinna (Haleyville, Alabama) on 02/25/2015
5 out of 5 stars

We got mites from a dog we picked up. I used mostly bleach and a little hot water. I had the bleach as strong as I could stand it and sprayed it all over my body and let sit for five mins then washed it off. Word of advice - don't scratch while bleach is on you. It burns really bad if you do. Not bad if you don't scratch; it has a light sting to it but the next day I was seeing results. My daughter had it from head to toe and I sprayed her down let it sit on her skin for about five mins then had her get a shower. Same thing I saw results the next day. We did that for three days and it's gone.
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Replied By Jenn (Cobbora, Australia) on 02/25/2015

I'm trying to get my head around the fact that someone knowingly sprayed themselves with bleach, and not only themselves but their child as well.

Sure, bleach will kill mites and also you, if you inhale it and have an unknown allergy to it..

...we already live in a world where our bodies have to cope with many external contaminants such as pollution, and commercial shampoos etc that are mini labs of chemicals designed " to clean your hair" etc. The pores on our skin are there for a reason...

Try to buy a large ( possibly 2 litres that we can buy here from local supermarket) bottle of ACV. It doesn't even have to be organic . Failing that , brown or white vinegar, will do..dilute 1 cup of vinegar to 4 cups of warm water, which should be a 2 litre bottle..a plastic bottle would be more practical where you shower than a glass bottle and can safely be reused, without breaking.

Try it on a small patch of skin to see if it is comfortable after a few moments, and if so add an extra cup of water and prepare to use it, after you have had a hot shower initially, then gradually reduce the hot water until it is still warm but cooler have and washed yourself thoroughly, hair included..lightly towel dry yourself and then whilst your skin pores are open, pour the bottle of vinegar/water, over your head and shoulders and everywhere else (and don't forget to close your eyes) ..a 2 litre bottle of mixture is quite sufficient to do a large adult and another for a child. and leave to a-dry on your body.If infestation is heavy, it can be done 3-4 times a day and should be gone within 24 hours- 36 hours

If all this sounds like a lot of work, it isn't. Doing this every time you have a shower is also helpful for your skin because it gradually alkalines your skin and makes you less suseptable to hosting mites.. They don't like living on skin that isn't acidic.

Before I got sick I used to do this every day and it cured a skin complaint that I'd had for several years and nothing had been able to cure it. But ACV in this proportion did, in just 2 weeks and in over 7 years it has never returned.. but as for bleach? ... great for sterilising bandages and cloth nappies and dog kennels but not on living things..

For some added protection you may wish to buy some solution for scabies, if you don't want to do the ACV everyday.

Go to your chemist or pharmacy and buy 5% Permethrin Cream, and Google scabies lotion online and it will show you step by step how to make the lotion for home use, to keep in case this happens again.

Hope this will be of help to you..

Jenn x

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Replied By Gratitude (Northeast, Usa) on 02/26/2015

I use ACV for many many things but it certainly does not clear up critters on everyone. Well-diluted bleach baths have been recommended for years by people and even dermatologists for adults and children with severe eczema and/or psoriasis. I don't see much difference in bathing in it vs spraying it on. As a mother, I'm sure she was careful using it on her daughter. It worked for them in 3 days which is great since many suffer for months and even years.
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Replied By Wantemgone (, Tn,) on 04/07/2015

Ive been dealingwith this severalmonths and thought I finally beat it however it was great for 2 months but I had company it was mani had rented out roomto and he never showered I had wondered how in crap did this happen now I know it was him in first place..... But I got sle lupus andmy skin so sensitive plus I got a dog who vet started on revolution but I noticedshe has no bumps or rashes but shes keeping me up again but neways I sprayed myself with bleach last night and later took shower I exfolatite my skin good, , , right now tho this morning I wike up to bump on belly im sorry I get so confuse what are yhe spots that look like freakles and make patterns at times?is that the fecal?and can we see larva on skin I have noticed some ppl report seeing them but they are so small so these few raise bumps are on me but this tume around no wiggles only itches could somebody plz help me understand I did take 2 tubes of stuff that start with P im on fixed income I cant find the borax or sulfer I even thought about takibg bath in my dogs shampoo they gave me foe mites? Thank you and I pray u all are having success with this ugly infestation mite monsters
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Replied By Sovereign (Arizona ) on 04/03/2018

Did the vinegar rinse cure scabies for you or someone you know or just the other skin issue you had before?

Replied By gg (Usa) on 02/05/2021

I have literally tried EV RY THING!!!! Perm 2, neem, clove, gr seed oil, oral ivermec, topical ivermec, orange, borax n hp, hp, rubbing alc, alc perfume, THE ONLY THING THAT HAS WORKED: OUT OF COMPLETE AND TOTAL DESPERATION: covered myself head to toe in hand sanitizer. Got 1 nights sleep w no creepy crawly. Next day: complete and total desperation>>> dollar store LA totally awesome cleaner with BLEACH. $1. Spray head to toe night rinse in morning. Next day I would use clove and grape seed oil just to MAKE SURE. At night do it again. I'm doing this every night until I don't feel one once of pinching or creepy crawly feeling then I'm prob do it for another few days then every week til nothing. I also vacuumed, washed everything daily, dryer for 90 minutes, covered fabrics w borax. Vacuumed daily. Dispose of contents away from me. Oh and if you're wondering where you're “getting them from” it's your dog.

Your dog needs borax water and hp dip after bath weekly to rid them. Go on YouTube and look up dog borax baths to see followed up with a frontline spot on their neck. ESPECIALLY if your dog is itching m, has dandruff and smells like gross cheese it's definitely them. All of their fabrics need to be washed in bleach and dried 90 minutes daily. The bleach cleaner and the sanitizer are the only 2 things that performed a true “knock down” of these little a$$holes. Ummm and yes you absolutely can see them. I've found 3 3 days in a row crawling on the light on my cell phone. I dumped a drop of clove oil on it and it was dead in seconds. They're the size of a pin head and they are beige. You'll feel less overwhelmed cleaning if you rotate 3 outfits and wash and put away everything else in your house for 2-3 months.

Good luck to you all and good luck to me.