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Sunitha (Atlanta, GA) on 11/11/2014
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I have hypothyroid and Candida issues. So, I started on the Lugols Iodine protocol + Accompanying Nutrients + Alkalizing protocol suggested by Bill Thompson 4 days back. Today is day 4.

On Day 2, I noticed that my tongue was was turning a little brown. Day 3 - yesterday, I am having a little bit of throat discomfort. Today, I am having severe discomfort in the throat and cough as well.

Please suggest what needs to be done to mitigate the issues. Is it time to take a break for next 2 days or should I add something to the protocol? I am doing 2 drops of Lugols (5% - J.Crow's lugols Iodine) once a day.



Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/11/2014

Hi Sunitha...I'm sorry that you're having problems with the iodine protocol, but this is quite common in the West where people have been eating poor processed food for decades.

When you supplement lugols iodine, two problems can occur:

* If you don't bother to take all the iodine companion nutrients exactly as advised then you probably will have problems. These companion nutrients are critical to ensure that vital enzymes and catalysts are present so that the iodine is correctly absorbed, converted, assimilated and used in the thyroid and used throughout the rest of the body. So if you don't take these companion nutrients then you may well have problems(which are usually all due to a poor processed food diet -- lacking in these nutrients). The essential reasons for taking the iodine companion nutrients are all explained here and here.

* Iodine is also a magnificent detoxer so, when you take iodine, it will help to remove cadmium, aluminum, mercury, lead, arsenic, bromine and fluorine from your cells and will dump these poisons directly into the blood. Consequently, all sorts of other side-effects are possible from iodine detox which is wholly dependent on your own high poison intake from your processed food diet and lifestyle. I also suspect that you are having bromine detox symptoms -- see this link.

To confirm what heavy metal and halide poisons you have in your body, I would also advise that you simply get a hair analysis done(quite cheap). This will tell you your body's heavy metal and halide poison status.

If you suspect that your body is high in heavy metals then I would supplement liquid cilantro drops and chlorella. To get rid of fluorine and bromine, you should take lugols iodine(with all companion nutrients) in amounts that are low and slow. The Borax Protocol also helps to get rid of fluorine.

For now, I would stop your iodine protocol and just take the iodine companion nutrients as advised for a week then restart your protocol at low dose initially. If that doesn't work then I would do a serious heavy metal detox for at least a month then retry the full iodine protocol again.

I have been taking 8 drops of 5% Lugols Iodine every day for the last 8 years without any problems. I'm pretty sure that my own heavy metal and halide status are at healthy low levels and not a problem and I always take the iodine companion nutrients at their correct dosages to avoid any further problems.

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Replied By Baise (New York) on 08/30/2020

Hi Bill,

a quick question. I'm considering to start Lugol's Iodine protocol. Do you think it's safe for someone who has amalgam fillings. I know...Sigh. I'm planning to have them safely removed eventually but I won't be able to do so until 1-2 years or so. Should I wait until I have them removed or do you think it would be ok? Thank you for your time.

Replied By Jim Janda (AZ) on 07/11/2023

I read that yes, it is safe... I know I am responding to an old post.

Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/11/2014

Something else which might interest people who live in the US.

Selenium is vital for the production of glutathione peroxidase(GP) in the body which is essential and critical for both liver health and thyroid health. GP is also vital for the body's detox pathways.

So here is a particularly interesting map showing selenium deficient areas in the US (which are colored dark blue):

Selenium Deficient Soils -- US

So anyone living and eating food in the dark blue areas of the US will most likely be selenium deficient.

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Replied By Ava (California) on 11/12/2014

Many thanks for putting this wealth of info together for all of us. You've no doubt helped so many! Would you please share how much niacin and zinc you would recommend taking per day? Also, any recommendations for a good mineral supplement that can provide all/ most of the daily essentials?

Replied By Ed2010 (Canada) on 11/12/2014

A sudden surge in the Iodine supplementation will cause Itchy throat and coughing. Till the body adapts you have to moderate the dosage.

Good Health


Replied By I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, Us) on 02/27/2015

You could also be suffering a Herxheimer reaction from Candida die-off, which will pass, but don't stop the iodine. You may consider salt loading with unrefined salt, 1/2 tsp. in water or licked, dissolved on tongue and washed down with 8+oz of plain water. This is designed to help eliminate toxins in urine but stimulating copious urination within the hour. If it doesn't do that the first time, it is ok to repeat the procedure up to two additional tries for a total of 3 times in 12 hours, which is just precaution to prevent overloading on sodium. Drink plenty of water. Also, you could take extra Vit.C and magnesium to fight this detox episode.
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Replied By Darlene (Alaska) on 12/30/2016

I had the sore throat and coughing also when I first started taking the Lugol's in water. I stopped because of it for over a year. Now I am taking 16 drops in my morning shake and don't even notice any problems at all. Try taking with something besides just water.
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Replied By Joanna (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/11/2017

Can one be on LI therapy and Borax at the same time?

Replied By Janine (Puerto Escondido Mexico ) on 04/16/2023

Sure, you can take both Lugol's and Borax protocol on the same day but at least 4 hours apart - this from Bill and Ted, if you take together they cancel each other out