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Noirgalactic (Indonesia) on 10/14/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Hi everyone. This site has helped me in clearing my face from perioral dermatitis (POD) and I thought I'd share my experience so more people can be helped.

The POD starts flaring on February 2013. I went to a dermatologist and she thought that I was allergic to a toothpaste (I DID use a toothpaste that's not my usual brand, though) and she gave me some pills and stuff and bla bla bla but it wasn't working.

The POD was still flaring, and I am so sick of it, so I researched my condition. It was then I self-diagnosed myself that I have a condition called Perioral Dermatitis a.k.a POD. I am so glad that it was the right predicament, and I stumbled upon this helpful website.

From everything that I read, I did the following:

1) cut off fluoride toothpaste

2) stop using anything with SLS in it

It helped, but didn't stop the POD, until I found a God-sent miracle in a bottle: Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).

I apply undiluted ACV to the affected area on my face with cotton pad. It stings like cray cray, but I resisted. I know that the POD were burned, it left a white/greyish skin like it was burned from the ACV.

The POD are gone. But another problem arised: my skin is depressed. ACV is highly acidic, it preserves my skin natural acid condition if being used as toner (dilute one part of ACV to one part water) but if used undiluted (like I did to my POD) the acids left my skin red, scabby, dry and flaky.

I used plain yoghurt mask as advised, and it did soothe my skin for a while but didn't really heal my skin. So I tried another thing: California Baby's Calendula Cream. I don't live in the U.S., which means the expensive cream is getting even more expensive since I have to pay for the shipping cost as well.

But at this point, I don't care.... It's not as much as the money that I paid for the useless dermatologist anyway.

On April 2013, I clear all of the POD outta my face. And as of now, October 2014, I don't have any recurrence.

So thank you everyone! Thank you Earth Clinic! I hope I help someone somewhere out there who is trying to heal :)

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Replied By Casey (California) on 08/31/2015

I think I have perioral dermatitis, I used the ACV and it went away... But now its back... I am going to the Dr. in two days but I am afraid he'll just give me antibiotics I am checking my toothpaste for floride but what is SLS?

EC: SLS=Sodium Lauryl Sulphate