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Jaykay (Vancouver, Canada) on 09/15/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have had dry, cracked lips for about 14 years. I have been using carmex up to now. I have been using it almost daily, but it never really helps much. It just covers up the problem.

I tried grapefruit seed extract once or twice a day recently and it works! It doesn't cover up the problem, it eradicates the dry lips completely. Just a tiny amount of the liquid applied all over your lips.


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Replied By Zelemont (Illinois) on 02/05/2015

Do NOT put straight GSE on your lips. I read this review and figured I would give it a try. It was a huge mistake. It stung immediately, but I was hoping maybe that was just the GSE working its magic. It was actually the highly acidic GSE burning the layers of delicate skin on my lips until they were raw and red. My lips tasted like blood and stung, and the next two days have been even worse. Thanks to this "remedy" my lips are now crusty, peeling, sore, and unkissable.

I would not recommend using GSE for chapped lips, but if you do, make sure to dilute it first!