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Wendy (Somerville, USA) on 06/09/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I am a believer! I have been using Baking Soda as a deodorant for the past couple days and I am tickled pink with the results!

I can't believe I've suffered with boils (from my foliciles being packed with deodorant residue) and stinky pits for the past couple years and this was all I had to do. All the scrubbing and shaving in the world didn't get me these result. I tried numerous deodorants and antiperspirants to no avail, then gave the crystal a whirl. That worked for a while much to my delight. But I think that something in my chemistry changed which then stripped me of the progress I'd made.

Not knowing what else to do, I typed in "perspiration and natural remedy" and found this site! I am eternally gateful! I won't even get into the savings I'll have now from not buying the expensive ineffective stuff.

I will spread the word!


Replied By Mo (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 06/10/2008

I am happy that someone else is excited about using Baking Soda as a deodorant. I have posted that I have been using it successfully for the past months. I also mentioned that I use VCO when I have to shave because I do not believe it would be wise to use it after shaving. I am a believer and have been spreading the word slowly - can be a sensitive topic!!!