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Thomas (Martinton, Il) on 05/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Re: Rubbing Alcohol for Jock Itch.? Rubbing alcohol worked great! My doctor (who is excellent) suggested that Lamisil works best (out of all the topical creams). So I used the rubbing alcohol (on tissue paper squares) and then put the Lamisil on afterwards. Walmart sells a higher potion form of rubbing alcohol... and also sells a generic form of Lamisil that is a lot less expensive! Both worked great together! At first, none of the top brand topical creams worked for me whatsoever (except for only a little bit of change).

At first the rubbing alcohol stings for a minute or so... but after a few days... it's negligible! I now put on the rubbing alcohol (as a preventative) after daily showers... and a tiny amount of the Lamisil cream. I put the rubbing alcohol in a small medicine (vitamin) plastic container; I use only a new piece of tissue square each time I place it against the mouth of the container to soak it. Works great!!!! Goodby nasty itchy fungus among us!!!!!!!!! :)

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Replied By Mahbabaji (New York, US) on 07/14/2014

I was wondering, the Jock Itch has spread to my genitals and I applied rubbing alcohol there 5 times. Are you guys doing this as well? Are you sure there is no reproductive damage or something?

Replied By Steve (Colorado Springs, US) on 07/15/2014

Hi Mahbabaji, Get some MMS (Master Mineral Solution) and use it for your jock itch. It cures athletes foot in one application, so it will surely take care of this too. Get Jim Humbles book, "Master Mineral Solution for the 3rd Millennium" It's available as a free download.

Good luck!


Replied By Mahbabaji (New York, US) on 07/16/2014

Hi Steve. OK, I will try that. But I mean with the rubbing alcohol, I feel like I caused nerve damage or something by applying it to the genitals. I have weak erections now. Does anyone else get this?

Replied By Mike (Denver) on 06/23/2015

Please don't use MMS. Google it. Rubbing alcohol works great though.
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Replied By Timh (Ky) on 06/24/2015

M: Welcome back. All the great dietary suggestions you have made here must have been helpful to some folks, although I think such a radical departure from the standard diet is too much for one step. Slowly incorporating the nutrition dense foods you suggest may prove a more viable option.

Anyway, I wonder why you advise abstaining from MMS as a topical antibiotic? If you have any negative reports from this use please post them as the particular info is better than opinion.

Speaking of info, Hulda Clark strongly advises against Isopropyl Alcohol as it is a toxic solvent that is not easily detoxified by the body and provides a home for parasites to establish themselves. People with liver disease or impaired detox would be high risk for this possibility. So, the safest alcohol would be something like "Everclear" grain alcohol or Vodka from liquor store. Adding some liquid extract of Eucalyptus to alcohol makes for a superior antiseptic.